Klez Brandar - LP record

The goal is to create a vinyl consisting of 12 songs that I have made over the last 10 years. There will be a variety of songs in different styles.

Autor: Klez

Zatiaľ nemáme žiadne aktuality.

1 212 €
vybrané z 1 073 €


112% splnené

53 ľudí prispelo

Hudba, Umenie

Prague, Czechia

Všetko alebo nič. Projekt skončil 19.7.2024 v 10:57.

Vyberte si odmenu za váš príspevok

  • predané 10

    You get the high quality files of the songs via transfer and/or link so you can listen to the album before its official release.

    Doručenia odmeny: do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    5,96 €
    (150 Kč)
  • zostáva 166 z 200

    You receive a vinyl!

    Postage is included. 

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    19,88 €
    (500 Kč)
  • predané 10
    Vinyl 2

    You receive 2 vinyls and a signed pictures from a selction of 10 pictures we choose together (size of picture 20/30 cm)

    Postage is included. 

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    39,75 €
    (1 000 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Thanks !

    You get 5 vinyls (so you can offer them to your friends)
    + 3 books
    (my first book, 2nd and third)
    + a 3 printed pictures of your choice
    (30/30 cm or 30/45 cm depending on what you choose). 

    Postage is included. 

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    198,77 €
    (5 000 Kč)