Klez Brandar - LP record

The goal is to create a vinyl consisting of 12 songs that I have made over the last 10 years. There will be a variety of songs in different styles.

Autor: Klez

1 213 €
vybrané z 1 074 €


112% splnené

53 ľudí prispelo

Hudba, Umenie

Prague, Czechia

Všetko alebo nič. Projekt skončil 19.7.2024 v 10:57.

Zobraziť všetky odmeny

How did it start

Well, I've been writing songs for over 10 years that I often describe as "imperfect" and I say to myself... maybe it's time to make an object that will cover all of that a bit..

What is our goal?

Make a pretty vinyl with a clean style. A retrospective with songs in 5 languages ​​including one in Czech! (It's not the easiest language to sing or learn...)


I love music! And in a world where objects are becoming rarer and applications more present, I prefer to create an object which will retrace the history of 10 years of songs in 5 languages. A vinyl? A dream... Arriving at an age that I consider "half of my life" (if all goes well), I am embarking on the adventure...

... and still something more

There will be a silly song, a punk song, dance songs and melencholic songs...

What should your fans call you?

I love dogs (and so do they) but that has nothing to do with this campaign... I do photography (portraits, architecture, etc.), you can see my face in series (sometimes) and I make songs in languages ​​because I like musical and global diversity...

Why are you doing this?

We did a HitHit in 2021 for our second book (Hithit - Lusk Dizehan 06 Kniha: 21 fotografií a plakát) and I am very very grateful to all the people who help us, independent artists to continue creating, far from the beaten track and the mainstream... DIY baby!


Vyberte si odmenu za váš príspevok

  • predané 10

    You get the high quality files of the songs via transfer and/or link so you can listen to the album before its official release.

    Doručenia odmeny: do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    5,97 €
    (150 Kč)
  • zostáva 166 z 200

    You receive a vinyl!

    Postage is included. 

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    19,88 €
    (500 Kč)
  • predané 10
    Vinyl 2

    You receive 2 vinyls and a signed pictures from a selction of 10 pictures we choose together (size of picture 20/30 cm)

    Postage is included. 

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    39,77 €
    (1 000 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Thanks !

    You get 5 vinyls (so you can offer them to your friends)
    + 3 books
    (my first book, 2nd and third)
    + a 3 printed pictures of your choice
    (30/30 cm or 30/45 cm depending on what you choose). 

    Postage is included. 

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    198,85 €
    (5 000 Kč)