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Výber odmeny

Kontaktné údaje

Prihlásenie cez Hithit

Váš príspevok

Výber odmeny Our classic The Jam t-shirt with our logo on the front, in either black or white. All sizes available and styles both for men and women. (Please specify size and color in the note.) Delivery In person at the bar, The Jam, Maliřská 14, Prague 170 00
Množstvo ks
Všetko alebo nič - pokiaľ sa cieľová čiastka nevyberie, peniaze vám v plnej výške vrátime.
Do poznámky môžete uviesť doplňujúce informácie pre tvorcu projektu, napríklad veľkosť požadovaného trička.


Platbu príspevku zaisťuje bezpečná platobná bránaComgate

Platba kartou

Platba QR kódom

Platba bankovým prevodom

Zaplatiť v online bankovníctve

CZ Platba cez české banky. Z iných krajín prosím použite platbu kartou.

Súhlasím s obchodnými podmienkami Hithit.sk.

Výber odmeny

predané 0
A great feeling and a BIG thank you!
If you just want to help us because you care about what we do and feel good about your contribution, without getting a physical reward, you can do that! With only 100 czk, you can say that you contributed to The Jam and their new kick-ass sound! And we will be forever thankful :-)

But if you would like to donate more, who are we to stop you? :-) We will be extremely thankful.
Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu
99 Kč
(3,91 €)
predané 0
1/2 Filled loyalty card
You will receive a loyalty card already half filled, which means, you would receive ONE FREE entrance to a Saturday night concert (value of 150 to 250 czk), and you would be only 3 drinks away from getting a free glass of wine, cup of coffee or cocktail.

  • In person at the bar, The Jam, Maliřská 14, Prague 170 00
Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu
150 Kč
(5,93 €)
predané 0
VIP Card
With this card, you get 10% off on all drinks and food, free entrance to all of our Saturday night concerts and ONE free drink.

Card valid for 12 months.

  • In person at the bar, The Jam, Maliřská 14, Prague 170 00
Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu
250 Kč
(9,89 €)
predané 0
A classic The Jam t-shirt
Our classic The Jam t-shirt with our logo on the front, in either black or white. All sizes available and styles both for men and women.

(Please specify size and color in the note.)

  • In person at the bar, The Jam, Maliřská 14, Prague 170 00
Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu
490 Kč
(19,38 €)
predané 0
A limited edition The Jam T-shirt
A new "I Jam at The Jam" limited edition T-shirt for our dear musicians. 
Available in black and white colors and all sizes from S to XXL
For both men and women.

(Please specify size and color in the note.)

  • In person at the bar, The Jam, Maliřská 14, Prague 170 00
Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu
590 Kč
(23,33 €)
predané 0
Full set of all rewards
Can't decide which reward you'd like to support us with because they all sound great? If so, you can support us with the highest amount in exchange for a full set of rewards.

The set contains:
  • 1/2 Filled loyalty card
  • VIP Card
  • A classic The Jam t-shirt
  • A limited edition The Jam T-shirt (" I Jam @ The Jam")
  • In person at the bar, The Jam, Maliřská 14, Prague 170 00
Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu
1 350 Kč
(53,38 €)