Pomozte vydat převratnou knihu o magii, mimořádných schopnostech a intuici. Překlad knihy „Jsi Čaroděj/ka?“ autorky, šamanky a indiánky Inelie Benz překonává mnohá tabu a stereotypní představy s magií a postavami Čaroděje či Čarodějky spojené.
Autor: Monika Tomíčková
Hello, I'm David Holis. I am a transformational and personal development coach. Clients come to me not knowing what is missing in their lives, not believing in themselves, not trusting in their potential, not having the courage to make small or significant changes in their lives in order to live life on their own terms. I help them discover their life passion and purpose, see their uniqueness and the enormous unlimited potential in themselves, set sustainable goals coming from inside of them rather than from external influences, and have the clarity and courage to step into the unknown and appreciate the journey along the way. I work, by invitation or referral mostly, with only a handful of individual clients at a time who are ready to invest in themselves by getting uncomfortable in the creation of an amazing life. Inspired? Get in touch with me and see what we could co-create.
Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Česko
Všetko alebo nič. Projekt skončil 8.11.2017 v 14:20.