European Boletes is a unique book about boletes in Europe, published in two volumes and presenting all the species of this group of mushrooms through superb descriptions and photographs. I am self-publishing the book and raising funds for printing.
Autor: Michal Mikšík
Prague, Czechia
Všetko alebo nič. Projekt skončil 8.1.2022 v 12:15.
Let me introduce you to an extraordinary book project. The book EUROPEAN BOLETES, which will be published in two volumes, will be the most comprehensive book on this group of fungi in the English language. I have been preparing the book for a long time and have already published a similar monograph in the Czech Republic:
In the first part about 80 species, forms and varieties of these genera will be described and illustrated in detail: Baorangia ● Boletus ● Butyriboletus Caloboletus ● Cupreoboletus ● Cyanoboletus ● Exsudoporus Hemileccinum ● Imperator ● Lanmaoa ●Leccinellum ● Leccinum ● Neoboletus Rubroboletus ● Suillellus ● Tylopilus.
Since I will be printing the book myself, I need to raise funds for the graphic design and printing of the book. The total cost will be about 300,000 and I only have a… Více
Hello I am sending an update on the European Boletes book, the new postponed release date is 1.8.2024 but supplement is now in print and will be available for send for everyone from 1.5.2024 Let me know, if you want to send supplement at first separately or both books together. Unfortunately the…
ViacejDear contributors The work on the book took a little longer and was more demanding than I expected, so I am postponing the publication to the beginning of 2023. Thank you for your understanding and patience. The result will be beautiful and you will not regret it. Thank you for understanding …