Number of projects found: 6
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    3 nové literární dokumenty nezávislého nakladatelství wo-men

    Author: wo-men

    Nakladatelství wo-men slaví 10 let a vydává 3 nové knihy. Umělecký dokument psaný ve valašském nářečí hravým dětským jazykem, publikace esejů o genderové nerovnosti a životní příběhy lidí se zkušeností s poruchami příjmu potravy.

    Pledged  EUR 6,866 of EUR 5,951

    115 % Successfully finished
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    Dita Pepe: Borders of Love

    Author: wo-men

    A photographic and literary publication from internationally renowned Czech photographer Dita Pepe in 13 chapters examining the borders of love, trauma as motivation to create art, and photography as therapy.

    Pledged  EUR 4,724 of EUR 3,174

    148 % Successfully finished
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    Book "Miss AmeriKa"

    Author: wo-men

    Fictional documentary book combining experimental text, photos and comics by Czech performer Miřenka Čechová on Mckenzie Tomski who has fallen in love with the city New York she is a stranger in.

    Pledged  EUR 4,122 of EUR 3,967

    103 % Successfully finished
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    Pavla Frýdlová, Libuše Jarcovjáková: Ženy 60+

    Author: wo-men

    Dokumentární kniha o aktivních ženách, které se rozhodly nevyklidit veřejný prostor.

    Pledged  EUR 3,164 of EUR 2,380

    132 % Successfully finished
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    Libuše Jarcovjáková: Černé roky (The Black Years)

    Author: wo-men

    Photographic and literary journals of Libuše Jarcovjáková, also known as the Czech Nan Goldin. Spanning the years 1971–1987, the journals wring out the everydayness of Prague, Berlin and Tokyo, uncovering the beauty of the era as well as its decay.

    Pledged  EUR 4,925 of EUR 2,777

    177 % Successfully finished
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    Jindřich Štreit: Where is my home

    Author: wo-men

    Photobook-object. Starring Jindřich Štreit, homeless people and corrugated cardboard.

    Pledged  EUR 3,893 of EUR 1,984

    196 % Successfully finished
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