Parallel Polis for Culture in Quarantine and 2020+

Parallel Polis virtualized its activities and launched live broadcasts for culture in the time of quarantine. Support the studio and its guests. Contribute to maintaining a centre for a free, decentralized and critical thinking society.

EUR 23,259
pledged of EUR 2,051


1134% completed

146 contributors pledged

Community, Antivir


All or nothing. Project finished on Apr 23, 2020 at 14:20.

Show all rewards

The beginnings 

The project Parallel Polis is the seventh project of the art group Ztohoven. Since the introduction of two Slovakian hackers, the group has transformed into an interdisciplinary organization with a deeper interest in social phenomena springing from the emergence of the digital underground, the "hacker scene". This encounter opened new perspectives to the group, rendering it more sensitive to gradual changes in societal paradigms. Both hackers were members and operators of the Hackerspace Progressbar in Bratislava, which became a model for the Ztohoven Group. The intention was to set up a similar hackerspace, focused primarily on education and exploration of hacking, particularly encryption technologies.

From its beginnings, the project was based on the ideas of the cyberpunk community, especially the Cryptoanarchy Manifesto by Timothy C. Maye. The name Parallel Polis was chosen to suit the local context. It originates in a set of strategies conceived by Václav Benda, which was gradually formulated at various symposia and samizdats, the most notable source being the book Midnight Cadre Questionnaire and Other Fights. Benda explored these… Více

Project links


Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 19
    "GOOD-GIFT" in bad times in Parallel Polis

    Support with a contribution to make it easier to cope with the difficult times of culture during the quarantine. The contribution will cover the operational costs of the Parallel Polis Center at a time when it cannot be opened to the public. The space for generosity is unlimited, and you can adjust the amount as you like.

    Thank you!

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3.95
    (CZK 99)
  • sold 23
    Let's have a COFFEE | Bitcoin coffee in Parallel Polis

    You haven't found your way to Parallel Polis yet or were you afraid of cryptocurrency payments? Then come to us! Once safe, the door of Parallel Polis will be opened again. Moreover, this HitHit edition will have the hallmark of a good deed. Our barista Vojta and his team always have something special at the Bitcoin Coffee mill.

    We crossed the uncrossable border, and for the first and perhaps only time in the existence of Parallel Polis, you can buy a Bitcoin coffee for Czech crowns here, on HitHit. Once it's safe, we'll be looking forward to seeing you!

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3.99
    (CZK 100)
  • sold 19
    Let's have a COFFEE or two | Bitcoin coffee for two in Parallel Polis

    Come and enjoy a Bitcoin Coffee in good company as soon as possible. We will celebrate the end of the quarantine with the best roast from the mill of our barista Vojta. Grab your neighbour, buddy or friend for your (or their!) first crypto coffee :) We will be happy to reveal the cryptocurrency of the coffee.

    We crossed the unbeatable border, and for the first time in the existence of Parallel Polis, it is possible to buy Bitcoin coffee for Czech crowns here, on HitHit. First and maybe only here and now.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.98
    (CZK 300)
  • sold 28
    T-Shirt Parallel Polis or Institute of Cryptoanarchy - women's and men's

    By becoming the proud owner of the Parallel Polis T-Shirt or the Institute of Cryptoanarchy, you support the existence of Parallel Polis and its program. $ 25 is the lowest amount for this amazing shirt, but your generosity is not limited! In the next step, you can set your promotional price.

    You can find photos of the T-shirts in Detailed description. Please indicate the design, size, and whether you would like a men's or women's cut in the notes in the next step.

    The T-shirt will be available for pickup at Parallel Polis as soon as the situation permits. Alternatively, we will ship as many items as possible. The shipping fee will be charged to the addressee.

    Thank you!

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.97
    (CZK 500)
  • remaining 38 from 40
    CRYPTO CARNIVAL or Digital Self Defense and Other Teen Hits!

    Crypto Carnival in (protective) masks for teenagers - digital self-defence, crypto pocket or coins of all kinds, virtual reality, apex or 3D printing, parallel garden (hydroponics), my first podcast and other hits for the youth. Teenagers will be guided by young hackers and other masterminds who will introduce them to safer internet browsing. The price includes admission, crypto pizza and Bitcoin cola and an exceptional experience.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 29.96
    (CZK 750)
  • sold 20
    HOODIES Parallel Polis or Institute of Cryptoanarchy

    By becoming the owner of the Parallel Polis sweatshirt or the Institute of Cryptoanarchy, you support the existence of Parallel Polis and its program. $ 50 is the lowest amount for this exceptional sweatshirt, but your generosity is not limited! In the next step, you can set your promotional price.

    Photos of sweatshirts can be found in the Detailed Description. Please indicate the design, size, and whether you would like a men's or women's cut in the notes in the next step. ATTENTION: The sweatshirt fits smaller. With this cut, we recommend you order 1-2 sizes larger to your usual size.

    The sweatshirt will be available for pickup at Parallel Polis as soon as the situation permits. Alternatively, we will ship as many items as possible. The shipping fee will be charged to the addressee.

    Thank you!

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 49.93
    (CZK 1,250)
  • sold 2
    SEASON TICKET for ten entries to the Parallel Polis program

    Whether you are a regular guest of our Bitcoin Meetups, Enviro Meetups or other Parallel Polis programs, or the current time has inspired you to explore the topic we investigate, you might be interested in becoming the proud owner of a seasonal pass with a more convenient admission to other events. We will continue with our program as soon as the situation permits.

    Of course, you can also give the pass to someone as a gift - just type in the name in the second step.

    We will prepare a pass for you to pick up at our reception at our Bitcoin Coffee and look forward to seeing you!

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.92
    (CZK 1,500)
  • sold 8
    Individual TRAINING from members of Parallel Polis on a selected topic

    Are you interested in hydroponics, cryptocurrencies, IT security or another topic that Parallel Polis has delved into? Come for a personal introduction to your chosen topic in a pleasant, casual atmosphere, guided by a dedicated member of Parallel Polis. Feel free to bring a friend or two - this voucher is valid for a maximum of 3 persons.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 99.86
    (CZK 2,500)
  • remaining 57 from 60
    WORKSHOP | Current state of cryptocurrency legislation

    A workshop on the current state of cryptocurrency regulation in our legal environment by Radim Kozub, member of Parallel Polis, including a theoretical framework and case studies from abroad.

    The workshop is limited to 60 seats, duration approx. 3 hours.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 99.86
    (CZK 2,500)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    BONUS!!! Signovaný sítotisk, plakát k Hackers Congress 2017

    Signovaný sítotisk od Cypherpunk Liberate!, HCCP 2017. Motivováni vaši dosavadní podporou, jsme sáhli do archivu pro pár last-minute bonusů. Jedním z nich je sítotiskový plakát z limitované edice tisků od Cypherpunk Now aka Martina Fischera. Jde o plakát k Hackers Congresu z roku 2017, kdy tématem byla finanční a ekonomická svoboda. Aktuální, nemyslíte?!
    Umělec, člen skupiny Ztohoven a také skejťák z devadesátek Martin Fischer je jedním ze spoluzakladatelů Paralelní Polis. Jeho díla jsou dedikovaná tématům jako cypherpunk, bitcoin, decentralizace a digital freedom. 
    Plakát Liberate! HCCP2017 je ručně vytištěný na nenatíraném bílém papíru o formátu 100 x 70 cm. Každý tisk je očíslovaný, podepsaný a má svůj digitální Blockchainový certifikát původu.  
    Plakát si můžete prohlédnout zde:

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.83
    (CZK 3,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    BONUS!!! Signovaný sítotisk, plakát k Hackers Congress 2018

    Signovaný sítotisk od Cypherpunk NEW ORDER, HCCP 2018. Motivováni vaši dosavadní podporou, jsme sáhli do archivu pro pár last-minute bonusů. Jedním z nich je sítotiskový plakát z limitované edice tisků od Cypherpunk Now aka Martina Fischera. Jde o plakát k Hackers Congresu z roku 2018, kdy témata bylo NEW ORDER.
    Umělec, člen skupiny Ztohoven a také skejťák z devadesátek Martin Fischer je jedním ze spoluzakladatelů Paralelní Polis. Jeho díla jsou dedikovaná tématům jako cypherpunk, bitcoin, decentralizace a digital freedom. 
    Plakát NEW ORDER je ručním tiskem o formátu 100 x 70 cm. Každý tisk je očíslovaný, podepsaný a má svůj digitální Blockchainový certifikát původu.  
    Plakát si můžete prohlédnout v sekci O projektu na HitHitu. Jinde už není ani k nalezení :)

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.83
    (CZK 3,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    BONUS!!! Signovaný sítotisk, plakát k Hackers Congress 2019

    Signovaný sítotisk od Cypherpunk OPT-OUT, HCCP 2019. Motivováni vaši dosavadní podporou, jsme sáhli do archivu pro pár last-minute bonusů. Jedním z nich je sítotiskový plakát z limitované edice tisků od Cypherpunk Now aka Martina Fischera. Jde o plakát k Hackers Congresu z roku 2019, s tématem OPT-OUT.
    Umělec, člen skupiny Ztohoven a také skejťák z devadesátek Martin Fischer je jedním ze spoluzakladatelů Paralelní Polis. Jeho díla jsou dedikovaná tématům jako cypherpunk, bitcoin, decentralizace a digital freedom. 
    Plakát OPT-OUT je ručním tiskem o formátu 100 x 70 cm. Každý tisk je očíslovaný, podepsaný a má svůj digitální Blockchainový certifikát původu.  
    Plakát si můžete prohlédnout zde

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.83
    (CZK 3,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    BONUS!!! Signovaný sítotisk #WEAREALLSATOSHI

    Motivováni vaši dosavadní podporou, jsme sáhli do archivu pro pár last-minute bonusů. Jedním z nich je sítotiskový plakát z limitované edice tisků od Cypherpunk Now aka Martina Fischera. Jde o plakát #WEAREALLSATOSHI s portréty legendy Satoshi Nakamoto. 
    Umělec, člen skupiny Ztohoven a také skejťák z devadesátek Martin Fischer je jedním ze spoluzakladatelů Paralelní Polis. Jeho díla jsou dedikovaná tématům jako cypherpunk, bitcoin, decentralizace a digital freedom. 
    Plakát je ručním tiskem o formátu 100 x 70 cm. Každý tisk je očíslovaný, podepsaný a má svůj digitální Blockchainový certifikát původu.  
    Plakát si můžete prohlédnout zde

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.83
    (CZK 3,000)
  • sold 0
    Record your own PODCAST or LIVE STREAM on MediaLab Parallel Polis

    Do you want to give podcasting a try? Have a professionally produced podcast with a jingle and top-notch sound? Or perhaps a live video stream from studio Paralelní Polis?

    The studio and the friendly, experienced team will be at your disposal to explore the independent content creation scene.

    The price includes a slot of 2 hours of study and technology, including preparation and post-production. By appointment only

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 139.80
    (CZK 3,500)
  • sold 0
    FOR COMPANIES Training from Parallel Polis members on a selected topic

    Would you like to train your team in IT security or cryptocurrencies? Crypto and taxes, or crypto specifically for your business? Or maybe you are thinking of a hydroponic garden in your office?

    Members of the Parallel Polis team will be happy to prepare tailor-made training on your chosen topic.

    The price includes approx. four hours of training in the premises of Parallel Polis.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 599.16
    (CZK 15,000)
  • remaining 3 from 3
    VIP input to # hccp20 | Hackers Congress Parallel Polis 2020

    The International Hackers Congress is the highlight of the Parallel Polis program - sold out quickly every year.
    The theme of the seventh annual congress is Digital Totality. Although the trend has accelerated long before the pandemic, we are experiencing an avalanche of alarming events at this very moment. GSM-based citizen surveillance in quarantine, border closures, restrictions of internet freedom, transactions tracking and much more.

    The HCCP usually takes place in October. In case of persistent constraints, it will be fully virtualized.

    The VIP passport will not only grant access to the epicentre of the congress but also support Parallel Polis by means of a philanthropic contribution.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 998.60
    (CZK 25,000)
  • Sold out!!
    Signed screen printing from Cypherpunk Now: Liberate!

    One of the three special hits among our rewards is a screen printing poster from Cypherpunk Now aka Martin Fischer. The motive carries the message more than fitting – Liberate!

    Artist, member of Ztohoven art group, Martin Fischer is one of the co-founders of Paralelní Polis. His artworks are dedicated to topics such as cypherpunk, Bitcoin, decentralization or digital freedom.

    Poster Liberate! is hand-printed on 100 x 70 cm Rainbow Creme paper in three color variants (Blue / Yellow / Purple version). Each variant is printed in only six copies. Each print is numbered, signed and has its own digital Blockchain certificate of origin.

    When ordering rewards, please specify what color would you like.

    Graphics can be viewed here:

    1 / 2 / 3

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.83
    (CZK 3,000)
  • Sold out!!

    Motivováni vaši dosavadní podporou, jsme sáhli do archivu pro pár last-minute bonusů. Jedním z nich je sítotiskový plakát z limitované edice tisků od Cypherpunk Now aka Martina Fischera. Jde o plakát HACKATOSHI'S FLYING CIRCUIT z hackatonu pořádaném v Paralelní Polis.
    Umělec, člen skupiny Ztohoven a také skejťák z devadesátek Martin Fischer je jedním ze spoluzakladatelů Paralelní Polis. Jeho díla jsou dedikovaná tématům jako cypherpunk, bitcoin, decentralizace a digital freedom. 
    Plakát je ručním tiskem o formátu 100 x 70 cm. Každý tisk je očíslovaný, podepsaný a má svůj digitální Blockchainový certifikát původu.  
    Plakát si můžete prohlédnout zde

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.83
    (CZK 3,000)
  • Sold out!!
    Red underwear graphic

    The second unique collector's piece among the rewards is the graphics of red underwear from Ztohoven art group.

    In September 2015, Ztohoven exchanged the standard of the President of the Czech Republic for giant red underwear, which soared over the Prague castle. The members of Ztohoven were fined and sentenced for six months.

    “At the same time, personal freedom goes hand in hand with personal responsibility for its actions, for its behavior, for the family, and for the widest community. I can be accused of idealism. But if we do not believe in something like this, we will not approach it.” Roman Týc commented on the project (a member of the group and a co-founder of Paralelní Polis).

    One of the 20 authored graphics signed by Ztohoven can be yours!

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 399.44
    (CZK 10,000)
  • Sold out!!
    Red underwear graphic

    The second unique collector's piece among the rewards is the graphics of red underwear from Ztohoven art group.

    In September 2015, Ztohoven exchanged the standard of the President of the Czech Republic for giant red underwear, which soared over the Prague castle. The members of Ztohoven were fined and sentenced for six months.

    “At the same time, personal freedom goes hand in hand with personal responsibility for its actions, for its behavior, for the family, and for the widest community. I can be accused of idealism. But if we do not believe in something like this, we will not approach it.” Roman Týc commented on the project (a member of the group and a co-founder of Paralelní Polis).

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 399.44
    (CZK 10,000)
  • Sold out!!

    The case for storing one of the snippets of the presidential standard is the third unique collectible rarity you can get here and now. It is an oak frame with authorial graphics of the Ztohoven art group made to measure as a box.

    The reliquary is lined with red velvet and is used to store an envelope with the snippet whose authenticity is authorized on the blockchain. The snippet is not automatically included in the reliquary but can still be obtained.

    “It seems to many people that activist art cannot be compared to paintings or sculptures because it is so unbearably easy. No way. This was much harder than painting a picture in a studio or cutting a statue from a rock. The more months and years since that Saturday passed, the more time the underwear over the Prague Castle seems to me more important and timeless.” wrote journalist Petr Volf about the project.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,597.76
    (CZK 40,000)
  • Sold out!!

    Schránka pro uložení jednoho z ústřižků standarty je třetím sběratelským unikátem, který můžete teď a tady získat. Jedná se o dubový rám s autorskou grafikou umělecké skupiny Ztohoven vytvořený na míru jako schránka. 

    Relikviář je vyložen rudým sametem a slouží k ukládání obálky s ústřižkem, jehož pravost je autorizována na blockchainu. Ústřižek není automaticky součástí relikviáře, lze jej ovšem stále získat.  

    „Spoustě lidí se zdá, že aktivistické umění nemůžeme srovnávat s obrazy nebo sochami, protože je tak nesnesitelně snadné. Kdepak. Tohle bylo mnohem těžší než namalovat v ateliéru obraz nebo vysekat ze šutru sochu. Čím víc měsíců a roků od oné soboty uplynulo, tím se mi zdají hradní trenky důležitější a nadčasovější,“ napsal o projektu publicista Petr Volf.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,597.76
    (CZK 40,000)
  • Sold out!!
    ONE & ONLY | Day and Night Parallel Polis just for you

    The parallel Polis was conceived as an art project, an experiment. Since its inception, we have faced many challenges that the community and its supporters have learned from and overcame. Currently, we face a great challenge again, and we are curious to see how we can handle it this time.

    The One & Only voucher owner is to receive an exceptional experience of Parallel Polis world in all its aspects, including a private view with Roman Týc, workshop with Pavel Lupták, discussion with Martin Leskovjan and much more.

    The whole house and the core team of Parallel Polis will be yours for a day and a night for a complete and immersive experience for you and your friends.

    This voucher is a philanthropic contribution to support Parallel Polis in a time of a need.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 8,472.98
    (CZK 212,121)