"I don't want a discount just for nothing!"
Do you want to get rid of your old pair of long johns and refresh your attire in a pleasant, fun and sustainable way? You can join Markéta on a shopping spree to the good-quality second hand shop "Přestupní stanice" ("Transfer stop"), a place that offers opportunities to the homeless - a job, social interaction and a new chance in life. In addition to clothes you can buy other accessories or books (
www.prestupnistanice.cz). Markéta will help you to create a new irresistable outfit.
For each 1000 CZK you contribute, you will bring home 500 CZK worth of clothes/books that you find at the store. The other 500 goes to MarZ. If you don't spend your money, you can choose instead to pay for a meditation session or attend interesting talks held at the store.