Serial Killer: The TV and on-line series festival

The pilot year of TV and online series festival in Central and Eastern Europe that takes place from 2nd to 5th May in the city of Brno. Serial Killer is meant for anybody addicted to (or at least interested in) contemporary television production.

Author: Serial Killer

Pavel Pellar

EUR 1,389
pledged of EUR 29,727


4% completed

44 contributors pledged


Brno, Jihomoravský kraj, Česko

All or nothing. Project finished on Apr 25, 2018 at 10:13.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • remaining 2999 from 3000
    Murderous spoiler

    Has a neighbour scratched your car? Has a shop assistant darted an unpleasant look at your dog? Haven´t you still been able to forgive your ex? Write us their email address and info about their favourite programs and we will send them anonymously a disgusting spoiler from their favourite serials!

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 5.95
    (CZK 150)
  • remaining 493 from 500
    Stylish bottle opener

    All of us know it. You are lying on the sofa, watching series, with a bottle of a delicious drink in one hand and in the other… wait. Where the hell is the opener? What now? The edge of the table can be damaged easily, just as human teeth. Gain this stylish bottle opener beautified by the genius of Martin T. Pecina. We ensure you that you will never put it away. 

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 7.93
    (CZK 200)
  • remaining 295 from 300
    Serial Killer Drink in a bottle

    What is this? An ordinary drink? No way! We want to make sure your needs resulting from the necessity to intake fluid will be properly saturated. We thus asked the Bar Which Does Not Exist to prepare an exclusive drink. It has a very stylish label and an unforgettable taste. It will quench your thirst and get you high. You can later use the bottle as an incendiary one and fight for your rights. And stuff like that. You can get the drink in the Bar Which Does Not Exist!

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 11.89
    (CZK 300)
  • remaining 281 from 300
    Festival accreditation

    Accreditation for all 4 festival days, which guarantees a priority ticket booking for projections as well as other advantages (entry to parties for visitors, discounts at partners). Congratulations!

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.38
    (CZK 590)
  • remaining 95 from 100
    Accreditation + poster and badge

    Apart from accreditation (which itself is cool) you also get a poster and a badge, both designed by maestro Martin T. Pecina. The poster is gorgeous.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 25.76
    (CZK 650)
  • remaining 20 from 20
    Cushion (not only) for hemorrhoids

    Never-ending lounging by a serial conquers even such swashbucklers as Vikings or Jessica Mars. Never mind! We will help you with this problem discreetly. Very discreetly indeed. And what is more, the cushion was designed by Martin T. Pecina, which means you don´t need to be ashamed of it at all. Do you know the episode when Cartman buys an amusement park?

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 26.40
    (CZK 666)
  • remaining 97 from 100
    Accreditation + stylish bag with Serial Killer visual

    • accreditation
    • a stylish bag with Serial Killer visual
    Oh no, you need to go out again. Is there anything worse than that? Yes, there is. Going out and carrying things. If you have a backpack, you look like you´re going hiking. A handbag can endanger your fragile masculinity. So… is there no solution? There is and it is a Serial Killer bag. It looks great (like all things created by Martin T. Pecina) and it can hold everything you need, including a toothbrush. Send a message to streets! Everyone should know that you were dragged out by nothing but waiting for a new series of a high quality program.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 31.71
    (CZK 800)
  • remaining 199 from 200
    Accreditation + umbrella with Serial Killer visual

    • accreditation
    • an umbrella with Serial Killer visual
    It often rains in spring and summer. We don´t know who exactly is responsible for it and why he or she does it. But that´s not important. What is important is to stay dry. With our umbrella, you can tell all gods from heaven and all American government spy satellites the following: Everything I know about you I know from American Gods and House of Cards!

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 39.64
    (CZK 1,000)
  • remaining 199 from 200
    Accreditation + sweatshirt with Serial Killer visual

    • accreditation
    • a sweatshirt with Serial Killer visual
    A sweatshirt with our visual. What else should we say about it? Hm. You´ll be warm and it fits anthropomorphic forms. If you crumple it, it serves well as a cushion. It is a sweatshirt. Email us your size!

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 79.27
    (CZK 2,000)
  • remaining 99 from 100
    Serial Killer packet

    • accreditation
    • a poster
    • a badge
    • a bag
    • a bottle with drink
    It would be a great pity to miss some of the rewards. If you have this packet, you will attend the festival and what´s more, you will be well and stylishly prepared. What more can you long for?

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 79.27
    (CZK 2,000)
  • remaining 100 from 100
    Serial Killer packet – OMG edition

    • 2x accreditation
    • a poster
    • a badge
    • a bag
    • a bottle with drink
    • a sweatshirt
    • a bottle opener
    • a cushion
    • an original letter of thanks from the festival director (or someone else)
    Oh my God! With this packet, you become the Serial Killer! We might even tell you to cramp your style a bit. However, who are we to give you advice? Come and join us, we want to see you. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 198.18
    (CZK 5,000)
  • remaining 4 from 5
    Balíček PANEBOŽE + Zabijácká párty s týmem

    • balíček PANEBOŽE
    • Zabijácká párty s týmem
    Je s námi celkem i sranda. Konverzace večer se točí kolem čehokoli, od Hegela po pejskaře. Přispějte a stravte s námi nezapomenutelný večer, který se už nikdy možná nebude opakovat. Nebo tak aspoň budete doufat.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 396.35
    (CZK 10,000)
  • remaining 5 from 5
    Dramaturgy of your own serial subject

    • OMG packet
    • Killing party with the team
    • Original serial script or dramaturgy of your own subject
    Our team of experienced serial and television whizzes will prepare a serial subject (one A4 extent) for you. You are free to choose the genre. And then you can do whatever you like with it! Maybe nothing. To all creative souls, we offer dramaturgy on their own works. 

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 594.53
    (CZK 15,000)
  • remaining 3 from 3
    Killing sauna with the festival director

    • OMG packet
    • Killing party with the team
    • Dramaturgy of your own serial subject
    • Killing sauna with the festival director
    Sauna is healthy and trendy. Just like our general director Kamila. It is thus simply logical to connect these two elements. You can enjoy a relaxing sauna with Kamila and discuss all possible topics, from TV production to sauna temperature. 

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3,963.54
    (CZK 100,000)
  • remaining 10 from 10

    The Pope kisses feet even to those who do or give nothing. However, we are not the Pope. Become our patron and we will treat you like royalty. You will have free entry anywhere. You will be able to meddle into our work. You can come to my house. I´m alone there anyway. We offer service and accommodation for 4 persons, brand visibility at our festival and free entry to all zones. And also all preceding rewards. 

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 5,945.30
    (CZK 150,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    General Partnership

    You just bought us all.
    • You can name stages after your brand and we'll tailor the programme to your needs
    • Acces to closed VIP party in attractive enviroment in heart of the festival
    • Advertisment of your brand on festival itself and on-line media
    • 10 VIP accreditations
    • Services and accomodations for 6 people
    • free entry to all VIP zones

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39,635.35
    (CZK 1,000,000)