All advantages of milk, none of its disadvantages. Nemléko is made from almonds, date, water and salt for anyone who can’t or don’t want to drink milk. We came up with a local version filled with calcium – poppy seed Nemleko. Will you help us produce it?
1x mandle-vanilka 250 ml 1x mandle-káva 250 ml 1x mák 250 ml
Ze začátku je trocha toho oťukávání potřeba, a tak Ti nabízíme jeden kousek od každého malého Nemléka za výhodnou cenu.
Všechna Nemléka budou k vyzvednutí v prodejně World Vegan na adrese Na Poříčí 25, Praha 1 nebo ve Forky's v Brně, Jezuitská 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 6.38
(CZK 160)
sold 261
1x Golden milk 250 ml - kurkuma, skořice, zázvor, černý pepř 1x Kakao 250 ml - fairtrade peruanské kakao 1x Matcha 250 ml - japonský zelený čaj
Díky Tobě budeme moci začít vyrábět makové Nemléko.
Jako poděkování pro Tebe nakonec hithitové kampaně přidáváme speciální edici příchutí mandlového Nemléka, které asi nikdy nebudeme vyrábět, ale přijdou nám natolik povedené, že bychom se s Tebou o ně chtěli podělit.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 7.57
(CZK 190)
sold 19
Nemléko bag
There is never enough of those easy light bags plus no one has this one yet.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 9.96
(CZK 250)
sold 149
1x mák 1000 ml 1x mandle 500 ml 1x mandle-vanilka 250 ml 1x mandle-káva 250 ml
První, druhé i třetí rande Ti uteklo, tak jsme přidali ještě čtvrté, aby Ti to nebylo líto.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 13.15
(CZK 330)
sold 10
Small mug of big Love
Your morning coffee with Nemléko or 5 o’clock tea will all taste from this mug designed by our beloved friend Markéta Držmíšková, who makes the prettiest porcelain ever.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 13.95
(CZK 350)
sold 39
1x Golden milk 250 ml - kurkuma, skořice, zázvor, černý pepř 1x Kakao 250 ml - fairtrade peruanské kakao 1x Matcha 250 ml - japonský zelený čaj 2x polotučné mandlové Nemléko 1000 ml
Díky Tobě budeme moci začít vyrábět makové Nemléko.
Jako poděkování pro Tebe nakonec hithitové kampaně přidáváme speciální edici příchutí mandlového Nemléka, které asi nikdy nebudeme vyrábět, ale přijdou nám natolik povedené, že bychom se s Tebou o ně chtěli podělit.
K tomu dostaneš dvě litrové láhve naší novinky - polotučného mandlového Nemléka.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.54
(CZK 390)
remaining 59
from 100
450 CZK voucher to spend on Nemléko
If you want to make your own choice or if you are planning giving Nemléko to someone very special to you, then this voucher should be the way to go for you. Plus you are here first, which means you get a discount.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.94
(CZK 400)
sold 4
Big mug of big Love
Your morning coffee with Nemléko or 5 o’clock tea will all taste from this mug designed by our beloved friend Markéta Držmíšková, who makes the prettiest porcelain ever.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.94
(CZK 400)
remaining 2
from 20
Triko Nemléko pro srdcaře
Ti nejrychlejší si mohou vybrat kterékoli z našich triček (jejich obrázky jsou v galerii za videem) za lepší cenu.
Do poznámky nám prosím napiš název trička a vybranou velikost (S, M, L, XL)
Odměna bude k vyzvednutí na oslavě prvních narozenin Nemléka 1. 5. 2017 v Praze. Pokud to nestihneš (což by nám zlomilo srdce, takže to určitě stihnout zkus), připočti prosím ke své odměně ještě částku poštovné až k Tobě domů. Česká republika – 80 Kč. Slovensko a zbytek Evropy – 130 Kč. Pro zaslání do odlehlých koutů světa nás prosím kontaktujte.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.94
(CZK 400)
sold 8
Bowl of happiness
We don’t enjoy our morning cereals, porridge or granola with Nemleko from nothing but this lovely bowl made by designer Markéta Držmíšková. Now you’ve got a chance to try it too.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 17.93
(CZK 450)
sold 0
Nemléko T-Shirt
This T-Shirt shows that who wears it loves truly and is not ashamed of it.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 19.92
(CZK 500)
remaining 54
from 100
5x poppy seed 1000 ml 3x poppy seed 500 ml
Well you sure are one poppy seeds lover. And you are first so you get to buy 5 big poppy seed Nemlekos for home and 3 small ones to go for a better price
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 19.92
(CZK 500)
remaining 97
from 100
10x almond-coffee 250 ml
Coffee, coffee, coffee. You are among the first ones here which gives you a chance to buy loads of our almond ice-coffee for a much better price.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 19.92
(CZK 500)
sold 5
Nemléko bottle – small
This bottle was designed especially to host the best possible smoothies and cocktails from Nemléko. It is hand-made in the Czech Republic, has an almond wood cup and a glass straw. Volume: 250 ml.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 25.90
(CZK 650)
remaining 42
from 50
950 CZK voucher to spend on Nemléko
If you want to make your own choice or if you are planning giving Nemléko to someone very special to you, then this voucher should be the way to go for you. Plus you are here first, which means you get a discount.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 31.88
(CZK 800)
remaining 38
from 50
5x almond 500 ml 5x almond-vanilla 5x almond-coffee
If you are all crazy about almonds, then you should love our almond package and we now offer it to you for a special price. Just for the fastest ones.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 31.88
(CZK 800)
sold 12
Nemléko bottle – large
This bottle was designed especially to host the best possible smoothies and cocktails from Nemléko. It is hand-made in the Czech Republic, has an almond wood cup and a glass straw. Volume: 500 ml.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 33.87
(CZK 850)
remaining 33
from 40
10x poppy seed 250 ml 10x almond-vanilla 250 ml 10x almond-coffee 250 ml
Please yourself with ten bottles of each small Nemléko, they will sure do you good. Be first, get a discount.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 53.80
(CZK 1,350)
remaining 24
from 30
10x almond 500 ml 10x poppy seeds 1000 ml
Everybody knows that almonds and poppy seeds are so happy together and they will be even more in your fridge. If you buy now, one bottle will come at a much more convenient cost.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 67.74
(CZK 1,700)
remaining 11
from 20
10x poppy seeds 1000 ml 10x almond 500 ml 10x poppy seeds 250 ml 10x almond-vanilla 250 ml 10x almond-coffee 250 ml
True love does not make differences. We offer you ten pieces of everything we got for a price which will not repeat for a long time.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
We will gladly deliver this package (in as many as 5 deliveries) to your door, if you live in Prague.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 115.56
(CZK 2,900)
remaining 1
from 1
Date with us
Maybe you are just extremely generous and wise and want to go out for dinner with us and let us tell you all about us and then give us a piece of advice.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 398.49
(CZK 10,000)
Sold out!!
1x almond-vanilla 250 ml 1x almond-coffee 250 ml 1x poppy seed 250 ml
We understand that you might be hesitating from the beginning but still appreciate your bravery. We offer you a starter pack with each small Nemleko for a special price.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 5.98
(CZK 150)
Sold out!!
1x mandle-vanilka 250 ml 1x mandle-káva 250 ml 1x mák 250 ml
Ze začátku je trocha toho oťukávání potřeba, a tak Ti nabízíme jeden kousek od každého malého Nemléka za výhodnou cenu.
Všechna Nemléka budou k vyzvednutí v prodejně World Vegan na adrese Na Poříčí 25, Praha 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 6.38
(CZK 160)
Sold out!!
1x poppy seed 1000 ml 1x almond 500 ml 1x almond-vanilla 250 ml 1x almond-coffee 250 ml
Let us impress you with this mixture of almost everything we got to offer – for a special price.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 11.95
(CZK 300)
Sold out!!
1x poppy seed 1000 ml 1x almond 500 ml 1x almond-vanilla 250 ml 1x almond-coffee 250 ml
Second time around.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 13.15
(CZK 330)
Sold out!!
1x mák 1000 ml 1x mandle 500 ml 1x mandle-vanilka 250 ml 1x mandle-káva 250 ml
První rande Ti sice uteklo, druhé taky, ale to třetí už Ti neuteče.
Všechna Nemléka budou k vyzvednutí v prodejně World Vegan na adrese Na Poříčí 25, Praha 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 13.15
(CZK 330)
Hide rewards
Show all rewards
In May of 2016 we have started to produce almond milk – Nemléko (Notmilk). For more than half a year we have been supplying more than ten shops in Prague and a few located elsewhere. In December 2016 we added two more almond drinks: ice coffee and vanilla Nemléko. For this whole period of time we have been working on poppy seed Nemléko – first local plant-based milk. Now we are finally ready and the only thing which separates us from starting is your help.
Poppy seed Nemléko
Few people now that Czech Republic is the world’s biggest producer of poppy seeds. That is not the only great thing about poppy seeds, even though we must admit we are completely crazy about producing Nemleko from a local crop. Calcium plays a significant role in nearly every stage of our lives and poppy is the plant with the highest amount of calcium of all. That means that poppy seed Nemleko is the only plant-based milk, which can compete with cow’s milk in the amount of former calcium. In other plant-based milks, artificial calcium is added subsequently. That kind of calcium is not that well absorbed by our body. Keeping calcium in our bodies is crucial and with poppy seed Nemleko, it is also very tasty.… Více
In May of 2016 we have started to produce almond milk – Nemléko (Notmilk). For more than half a year we have been supplying more than ten shops in Prague and a few located elsewhere. In December 2016 we added two more almond drinks: ice coffee and vanilla Nemléko. For this whole period of time we have been working on poppy seed Nemléko – first local plant-based milk. Now we are finally ready and the only thing which separates us from starting is your help.
Poppy seed Nemléko
Few people now that Czech Republic is the world’s biggest producer of poppy seeds. That is not the only great thing about poppy seeds, even though we must admit we are completely crazy about producing Nemleko from a local crop. Calcium plays a significant role in nearly every stage of our lives and poppy is the plant with the highest amount of calcium of all. That means that poppy seed Nemleko is the only plant-based milk, which can compete with cow’s milk in the amount of former calcium. In other plant-based milks, artificial calcium is added subsequently. That kind of calcium is not that well absorbed by our body. Keeping calcium in our bodies is crucial and with poppy seed Nemleko, it is also very tasty. Moreover, you don’t have to fear bits of poppy seeds between your teeth no more.
Why Nemléko?
We have started producing Nemléko because we believe it is possible for people to do without animal milk. In fact we think people do not need any animal products and can be healthier that way and far more ecological. However, we had to start somewhere co we have chosen milk – Nemléko (Notmilk), because we weren’t fully satisfied with any milk alternative available here.
What makes Nemléko different?
We now produce almond Nemléko which contains 12 % of almonds. Industrial almond milk alternatives contain as little as 1 % of almonds. We don’t use sugar in Nemléko, we sweeten it up with dates. The only two remaining ingredients are filtered water and a pinch of Himalayan salt. Opposed to a huge number of other almond drinks, we do not add any emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners or other things which we consider unnecessary. That is also way Nemléko separates. We bottle it in easily recyclable glass bottles. It is not treated with UHT (ultra-high-temperature) but only goes through gentle pasteurization. As a result, it doesn’t last for more than half a year in room temperature but for only 14 days and only when properly stored in a fridge. However, it has more of the good things this way.
What kinds of almond milk do we make?
Water, 12 % almonds, dates and a pinch of Himalayan salt. Nothing else.
Ice coffee
We have been seriously missing a decent tasting iced coffee here, so we teamed up with our friends at Bird Song Coffee and created a formula and now we drink it all day long. Additionally, Bird Song is a kind of Coffee grown in forest, which means the forest was not destroyed because of the coffee harvesting and not a single bird had to fly away finding a new home. Thus its name and place in Nemléko.
It took us long to get to the fairest vanilla in the world, but we do have it now thanks to Patricia Rain from San Francisco, California. Mrs. Rain is nicknamed The Vanilla Queen in Africa for she devoted more than half of her life fighting for the rights of African women vanilla farmers. Mrs. Rain sends us the finest vanilla which we put in Nemleko as it is. No alcohol-based extract comes in play.
Who stands behind Nemléko?
It’s us, Amálie and David. We share great passion for food and drinks and we wanted to do something ours, something different, which would have an actual meaning. Needless to say, it would be much harder or nearly impossible without the help of our parents, siblings and friends.
Where is Nemléko headed?
We have starter producing almond Nemléko, which has the highest amount of almonds from all almond milk alternatives available here. That comes at a price. Now, with your help, we are hoping to start producing poppy seed Nemléko, which is going to be local thus more ecological and more affordable. We are not yet able to start mass production and produce milk alternatives which could by price compete with the industrial ones or even with the state donated milk industry. It is, however, our goal and milk is not the only thing we would love to substitute with something more reasonable, tastier, healthier, and ecological.
1x mandle-vanilka 250 ml 1x mandle-káva 250 ml 1x mák 250 ml
Ze začátku je trocha toho oťukávání potřeba, a tak Ti nabízíme jeden kousek od každého malého Nemléka za výhodnou cenu.
Všechna Nemléka budou k vyzvednutí v prodejně World Vegan na adrese Na Poříčí 25, Praha 1 nebo ve Forky's v Brně, Jezuitská 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 6.38
(CZK 160)
sold 261
1x Golden milk 250 ml - kurkuma, skořice, zázvor, černý pepř 1x Kakao 250 ml - fairtrade peruanské kakao 1x Matcha 250 ml - japonský zelený čaj
Díky Tobě budeme moci začít vyrábět makové Nemléko.
Jako poděkování pro Tebe nakonec hithitové kampaně přidáváme speciální edici příchutí mandlového Nemléka, které asi nikdy nebudeme vyrábět, ale přijdou nám natolik povedené, že bychom se s Tebou o ně chtěli podělit.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 7.57
(CZK 190)
sold 19
Nemléko bag
There is never enough of those easy light bags plus no one has this one yet.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 9.96
(CZK 250)
sold 149
1x mák 1000 ml 1x mandle 500 ml 1x mandle-vanilka 250 ml 1x mandle-káva 250 ml
První, druhé i třetí rande Ti uteklo, tak jsme přidali ještě čtvrté, aby Ti to nebylo líto.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 13.15
(CZK 330)
sold 10
Small mug of big Love
Your morning coffee with Nemléko or 5 o’clock tea will all taste from this mug designed by our beloved friend Markéta Držmíšková, who makes the prettiest porcelain ever.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 13.95
(CZK 350)
sold 39
1x Golden milk 250 ml - kurkuma, skořice, zázvor, černý pepř 1x Kakao 250 ml - fairtrade peruanské kakao 1x Matcha 250 ml - japonský zelený čaj 2x polotučné mandlové Nemléko 1000 ml
Díky Tobě budeme moci začít vyrábět makové Nemléko.
Jako poděkování pro Tebe nakonec hithitové kampaně přidáváme speciální edici příchutí mandlového Nemléka, které asi nikdy nebudeme vyrábět, ale přijdou nám natolik povedené, že bychom se s Tebou o ně chtěli podělit.
K tomu dostaneš dvě litrové láhve naší novinky - polotučného mandlového Nemléka.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.54
(CZK 390)
remaining 59
from 100
450 CZK voucher to spend on Nemléko
If you want to make your own choice or if you are planning giving Nemléko to someone very special to you, then this voucher should be the way to go for you. Plus you are here first, which means you get a discount.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.94
(CZK 400)
sold 4
Big mug of big Love
Your morning coffee with Nemléko or 5 o’clock tea will all taste from this mug designed by our beloved friend Markéta Držmíšková, who makes the prettiest porcelain ever.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.94
(CZK 400)
remaining 2
from 20
Triko Nemléko pro srdcaře
Ti nejrychlejší si mohou vybrat kterékoli z našich triček (jejich obrázky jsou v galerii za videem) za lepší cenu.
Do poznámky nám prosím napiš název trička a vybranou velikost (S, M, L, XL)
Odměna bude k vyzvednutí na oslavě prvních narozenin Nemléka 1. 5. 2017 v Praze. Pokud to nestihneš (což by nám zlomilo srdce, takže to určitě stihnout zkus), připočti prosím ke své odměně ještě částku poštovné až k Tobě domů. Česká republika – 80 Kč. Slovensko a zbytek Evropy – 130 Kč. Pro zaslání do odlehlých koutů světa nás prosím kontaktujte.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.94
(CZK 400)
sold 8
Bowl of happiness
We don’t enjoy our morning cereals, porridge or granola with Nemleko from nothing but this lovely bowl made by designer Markéta Držmíšková. Now you’ve got a chance to try it too.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 17.93
(CZK 450)
sold 0
Nemléko T-Shirt
This T-Shirt shows that who wears it loves truly and is not ashamed of it.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 19.92
(CZK 500)
remaining 54
from 100
5x poppy seed 1000 ml 3x poppy seed 500 ml
Well you sure are one poppy seeds lover. And you are first so you get to buy 5 big poppy seed Nemlekos for home and 3 small ones to go for a better price
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 19.92
(CZK 500)
remaining 97
from 100
10x almond-coffee 250 ml
Coffee, coffee, coffee. You are among the first ones here which gives you a chance to buy loads of our almond ice-coffee for a much better price.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 19.92
(CZK 500)
sold 5
Nemléko bottle – small
This bottle was designed especially to host the best possible smoothies and cocktails from Nemléko. It is hand-made in the Czech Republic, has an almond wood cup and a glass straw. Volume: 250 ml.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 25.90
(CZK 650)
remaining 42
from 50
950 CZK voucher to spend on Nemléko
If you want to make your own choice or if you are planning giving Nemléko to someone very special to you, then this voucher should be the way to go for you. Plus you are here first, which means you get a discount.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 31.88
(CZK 800)
remaining 38
from 50
5x almond 500 ml 5x almond-vanilla 5x almond-coffee
If you are all crazy about almonds, then you should love our almond package and we now offer it to you for a special price. Just for the fastest ones.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 31.88
(CZK 800)
sold 12
Nemléko bottle – large
This bottle was designed especially to host the best possible smoothies and cocktails from Nemléko. It is hand-made in the Czech Republic, has an almond wood cup and a glass straw. Volume: 500 ml.
This reward will to be picked up at Nemleko 1st year birthday party which will take place in Prague on the 1st of May 2017. If you are not going to be able to make it (which would break our heart, so be sure to make it), please add this shipment cost to your choosen reward. 80 Kč – Czech Republic, 180 Kc – Europe, rest of the world – contact us privately and we will solve it.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 33.87
(CZK 850)
remaining 33
from 40
10x poppy seed 250 ml 10x almond-vanilla 250 ml 10x almond-coffee 250 ml
Please yourself with ten bottles of each small Nemléko, they will sure do you good. Be first, get a discount.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 53.80
(CZK 1,350)
remaining 24
from 30
10x almond 500 ml 10x poppy seeds 1000 ml
Everybody knows that almonds and poppy seeds are so happy together and they will be even more in your fridge. If you buy now, one bottle will come at a much more convenient cost.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 67.74
(CZK 1,700)
remaining 11
from 20
10x poppy seeds 1000 ml 10x almond 500 ml 10x poppy seeds 250 ml 10x almond-vanilla 250 ml 10x almond-coffee 250 ml
True love does not make differences. We offer you ten pieces of everything we got for a price which will not repeat for a long time.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1
We will gladly deliver this package (in as many as 5 deliveries) to your door, if you live in Prague.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 115.56
(CZK 2,900)
remaining 1
from 1
Date with us
Maybe you are just extremely generous and wise and want to go out for dinner with us and let us tell you all about us and then give us a piece of advice.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 398.49
(CZK 10,000)
Sold out!!
1x almond-vanilla 250 ml 1x almond-coffee 250 ml 1x poppy seed 250 ml
We understand that you might be hesitating from the beginning but still appreciate your bravery. We offer you a starter pack with each small Nemleko for a special price.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 5.98
(CZK 150)
Sold out!!
1x mandle-vanilka 250 ml 1x mandle-káva 250 ml 1x mák 250 ml
Ze začátku je trocha toho oťukávání potřeba, a tak Ti nabízíme jeden kousek od každého malého Nemléka za výhodnou cenu.
Všechna Nemléka budou k vyzvednutí v prodejně World Vegan na adrese Na Poříčí 25, Praha 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 6.38
(CZK 160)
Sold out!!
1x poppy seed 1000 ml 1x almond 500 ml 1x almond-vanilla 250 ml 1x almond-coffee 250 ml
Let us impress you with this mixture of almost everything we got to offer – for a special price.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 11.95
(CZK 300)
Sold out!!
1x poppy seed 1000 ml 1x almond 500 ml 1x almond-vanilla 250 ml 1x almond-coffee 250 ml
Second time around.
All bottles of Nemléko are to be picked up at World Vegan Supermarket, address: Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 13.15
(CZK 330)
Sold out!!
1x mák 1000 ml 1x mandle 500 ml 1x mandle-vanilka 250 ml 1x mandle-káva 250 ml
První rande Ti sice uteklo, druhé taky, ale to třetí už Ti neuteče.
Všechna Nemléka budou k vyzvednutí v prodejně World Vegan na adrese Na Poříčí 25, Praha 1.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end