Flying Freedom Festival is an organization which since one year organize meetings of artists in countries all around Europe. The next meeting takes place in Prague 7 from 30. 1 to 7. 2 2016 in collaboration with the carnival "Letensky Masopust".
Author: FFF
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
All or nothing. Project finished on Feb 22, 2016 at 17:41.
In the autumn 2014 we were invited with Maia to spa town Kudowa Zdroj near Czech / Polish border to participate in one week long meeting called Talents for sale. We were asked by the organizers to invite other foreign artists, so we made some phone calls, wrote several mails and left to Poland. Finally we found ourselves with artists from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, Estonia, France, Palestine, Jordan and of course from Poland. We made workshops, shows, jam sessions, games, small festival in an old factory, it was awesome. Finally, watch the video!
There we decided to meet again in another country and to develop the idea of regular international meetings. And we named it Flying Freedom Festival...
A lot of xenophobia, conflicts and many other problems are caused by inability of people to cross the borders of their own community. Our main aim is to create international community of artists who share their own cultural backgrounds and make them meet local communities in many countries. This is the reason why for the Prague meeting we have chosen one week before Letenský masopust (carnival on Letná quarter in Prague) - we hope to get a good occasion to meet many inhabitants of Prague.
Flying Freedom Festival meeting held between 30. 1. and 7. 2. 2016 will take place in Prague 7 – Letná (name of the quarter). On 30. - 31. 1. we plan weekend workshops of popular dances, music, Commedie dell'Arte, fabrication of carnival masks and gigantic puppets, led by Brazilian, Czech, French and Slovak artists in local institutions (art school Artual, Scarabeus Gallery, Municipal organization for children and youth – DDM P7). During the week 1. - 5. 2. we organize presentations of the show Pufi of Romanian clown in local elementary schools, presentations of the show The Story of Gilgamesh with artists from 5 countries in cofes Liberál, P7 and Nudný otec and finally in Cafe Lajka exposition Borders of perspective of Polish visual artist opened by concert of Spanish classical guitarist. The whole festival will be concluded by participating in Letenský masopust. Our effort is supported by town hall, local organizations and of course by inhabitants of Prague 7.
'FFF' abbreviation in grant slang means the 'Family, Friends and other Fools'. That fits... ;-)
(It means as well French Football Federation, but this one does not have anything in common with us... ;-)
Flying Freedom Festival community meets since October 2014 approximately every three months, each time in different country usually for two weeks. First week is passed by artistic residency with workshops and experimental creation of The Story of Gilgamesh, meanwhile during the second week is organized in cooperation with local community a festival with shows, jam sessions, concerts, lectures, workshops, expositions, social activities and others. FFF already met in Poland, Czech Republic, France and Romania with participation of around 100 artists coming from over 20 countries. In the following years we plan meetings as well in Italy, Slovenia, Jordan and V4 countries (PL, CR, SK and HU). More on website, Group FB and Prague meeting FB.
Flying Freedom Festival is a huge international family. In the meantime between two meetings we often meet, live together, travel, celebrate, create, plan, fight and reconcile. These are the values we want to share with people that we meet during the meetings (out of them as well ;-). We hope, that Hithit will help us to pay our travel costs, accommodation and food, but mainly to meet as many people from Prague and especially from Prague 7 as possible and spread the idea of 'flying freedom'.