62 fans contributed anonymously
Lezecká lekce pro začátečníky na skalách nebo na stěně s naším týmem a půjčením veškerého vybavení
Amount Contributed
EUR 194.95
(CZK 4,900)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
HMS Karabina HUDY a VIP vstupenka na grand opening
Amount Contributed
EUR 67.63
(CZK 1,700)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Lezecká lekce pro 5 lidí na skalách s naším týmem a půjčením veškeré výbavy
Amount Contributed
EUR 397.85
(CZK 10,000)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
10 vstupů na BoulderKontejner
Amount Contributed
EUR 79.57
(CZK 2,000)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Mágo pytlík a VIP vstupenka na grand opening
Amount Contributed
EUR 39.79
(CZK 1,000)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Mágo pytlík a VIP vstupenka na grand opening
Amount Contributed
EUR 39.79
(CZK 1,000)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
EUR 9.95
(CZK 250)
VIP vstupenka na grand opening
Amount Contributed
EUR 19.89
(CZK 500)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Výukové pexeso s lezeckou tématikou společně s VIP vstupem na grandopening
Amount Contributed
EUR 27.85
(CZK 700)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
10 vstupů na BoulderKontejner
Amount Contributed
EUR 79.57
(CZK 2,000)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
VIP vstupenka na grand opening
Amount Contributed
EUR 59.68
(CZK 1,500)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.