What is our aim?
We are raising funds to print The Picture of Dorian Gray this summer.
Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde is for intermediate (B1-B2) English learners. A collective of talented illustrators drew +15 beautiful illustrations to immerse you into 19th century London. They collaborated with a native English speaker who simplified the original text. The book will contain an appendix of 200+ words translated from English-Czech.
In addition to the printed book, we are also publishing an audiobook, an eBook, and two beautiful bookmarks!
Who are we?
We are Three Thrushes - a Prague-based micro-publishing brand. We make beautiful, illustrated books for English-language intermediate learners.
There are many books on the Czech market that are aimed at beginners and advanced students. But where are the books for intermediate learners? Our books fill this gap.
In 2021 and 2022 over 145 supporters helped us raise money on Hithit to publish a special edition of Animal Farm by George Orwell, and A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov. Our books have numerous 5* reviews on Kosmas, Luxor, Dobrovsky, and Megaknihy.

… Více
What is our aim?
We are raising funds to print The Picture of Dorian Gray this summer.
Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde is for intermediate (B1-B2) English learners. A collective of talented illustrators drew +15 beautiful illustrations to immerse you into 19th century London. They collaborated with a native English speaker who simplified the original text. The book will contain an appendix of 200+ words translated from English-Czech.
In addition to the printed book, we are also publishing an audiobook, an eBook, and two beautiful bookmarks!
Who are we?
We are Three Thrushes - a Prague-based micro-publishing brand. We make beautiful, illustrated books for English-language intermediate learners.
There are many books on the Czech market that are aimed at beginners and advanced students. But where are the books for intermediate learners? Our books fill this gap.
In 2021 and 2022 over 145 supporters helped us raise money on Hithit to publish a special edition of Animal Farm by George Orwell, and A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov. Our books have numerous 5* reviews on Kosmas, Luxor, Dobrovsky, and Megaknihy.

What do people say about Dorian Gray?
We shared the Dorian Gray manuscript with Czech students, and this is their feedback:
"Velice dobře spracováná kniha pro středně pokročilé čtenáře angličtiny. Známý příběh psaný tak, aby i při neznalosti některých slovíček čtenář pochopil význam z kontextu věty a nemusel pořád hledat ve slovníku. Velice doporučuji."
Lukáš Reček 👨💼
"Tento známý román Gerhard upravil pro své studenty velmi čtivou formou. Delší odstavce k zamyšlení střídají krátké dialogy a ty rychle posouvají děj kupředu, což je pro studenta cizího jazyka prospěšné. Kdo zná příběh Oscara Wildea v originále, může být zajímavé porovnání čtení v této zjednodušené formě a pro nás ostatní - kromě studijního benefitu, můžeme sledovat zhýralý život bohatého a mladého aristokrata, který se bojí stárnutí a kde volba přátel určuje jeho cestu životem. Těším se se na ilustrace starého Londýna. Některé z nich jsem měla příležitost jako Gerhardův student vidět a je opravdu se na co těšit. Některá neznámá slovíčka jsou přeložena v příloze, která je už automatickou součástí Gerhardových knih. Knihu doporučuji!"
Lucie Teplá 👩🍳
Detailed Information
Genre: Book for English-language students
Editor: Gerhard Symons
Illustrators: Collective
Language: English
Original Name: The Picture of Dorian Gray
Level: Intermediate CEFR B1/B2 ESL students
Pages: 186pp.
Date of Publication: 01.09.2023
Age: from 10+ (level B1/B2)
Format: 148x210mm/A5
Published by: Three Thrushes, Prague
Edition: First Publication
Mass: 0.148kg
Type: Paperback book