20 fans contributed anonymously
Chci podpořit činnost časopisu Přítomnost a jeho redakci nad rámec diskuzního fóra!
Amount Contributed
EUR 79.62
(CZK 2,000)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Vstupenka na fórum s občerstvením!
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.96
(CZK 200)
Vstupenka na fórum s občerstvením!
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.96
(CZK 200)
Chci podpořit činnost časopisu Přítomnost a jeho redakci nad rámec diskuzního fóra!
Amount Contributed
EUR 79.62
(CZK 2,000)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Fórum pro dva vč. obč, roční předplatné, kniha a setkání u piva s vydavatelem a šéfredaktorem!
Amount Contributed
EUR 59.71
(CZK 1,500)
Amount Contributed
EUR 79.62
(CZK 2,000)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Vstupenka na fórum s občerstvením!
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.96
(CZK 200)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.