• 9 000 000 EUR

    Successful projects have raised over 9 milion Euros. Be part of it as well.

  • Sweet project

    Lelí raised over 11 thousand EUR for her cupcake shop.

  • Indestructible pocket shoes

    The Skinners. And what is your idea?

  • We have launched 4000 projects

    More than 4000 bold authors gave it a shot. Try it as well!

  • Project image

    Podpoř Outdoorový Film FLOW: Příběhy žen z řek, skal a nebes

    Author: Denisa Krásná

    Flow je dokument o ženách v adrenalinových sportech, který boří stereotypy a spojuje příběhy žen ze čtyř kontinentů. Režisér Jan Považan spolu s Denisou Krásnou a Alenou Rainsberry kombinuje dechberoucí vizuály s příběhy kajakářek, lezkyň a highlinerek.

    Pledged  EUR 1,023 of EUR 2,189

    46 % 19 days until the end
    Project detail Project video
  • Project image

    Pomoz nám dokončit hru Robinson Crusoe!

    Author: Infilope Games

    Připoj se k tvorbě nového českého survival RPG – Robinson Crusoe! Zveme tě do světa inspirovaného příběhem Daniela Defoea, kde budeš bojovat o přežití v drsných podmínkách tropického ostrova.

    Pledged  EUR 6,415 of EUR 19,904

    32 % 5 days a 3 hours until the end
    Project detail Project video

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Hithit interconnects creative people with those who want to support them. It makes dreams of artists, creative workers, designers, developers, and geniuses come true. It can make also your dreams come true. It is a new, inspirational form of interconnection between businessmen and clients. Both parties will commence a unique cooperation.

How to back a project?

Choose from rewards that start on few euros and end with bombastic perks for thousands. And do not forget to share the project with your friends.

How does it work?

Sign up and describe your idea. Wait for the feedback and then share your project with the widest audience possible.

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a way of funding your project together with your fans. Raise money for your idea!