Acquiring funds for creating of exceptional photobook which also expresses the author's message through words and photos. Its other use is possible for personal growth, therapy, training or just pure enjoying the pictures.
Author: Janek Sedlář
Lipov, Jihomoravský kraj, Česká republika
All or nothing. Project finished on Dec 2, 2016 at 17:17.
In the beginning it was my need to spend more time in nature. I knew my previous city and bohemian life style didn’t lead to joy and fulfilment of joy in my life. I needed a change, to begin to do something by heart. A memory of joy and happiness which I experienced in my childhood during wandering throughout the countryside opened a door which is going to stay open forever. That time was the time of my return. I started to visit regularly the White Carpathians and Slovakian Mountains. In different weather moods here I spent all my spare time. Sometimes with my friends, other time alone. I packed my bag for a few days and went for a journey. Already at the beginning of these journeys I had acquired a camera which I used to try to capture this beauty. I started to show my photos on various social networks and photographic servers. I was getting messages from people saying these pictures gave them pleasure. That was a strong impulse for me and I started to engage myself in it properly. Knowing that my photos can improve someone’s mood or give someone pleasure was a big motivation for me. It is a beautiful joyous formula. Joy (of photographer) + joy (of viewer) = more joy for everyone. Gradually I reached a point when I make my living by taking photographs.
During these last five years of taking photos I focused on taking photos of landscape, mainly forest, forest paths, but also pictures of mountains and meadows. In these pictures I am trying to share my feelings and thoughts which cross my mind during my journeys and throughout the feeling of nature. I took lots of photos with this theme. Most of them I have already shared with you on Facebook. Some of them are printed and have their own form. But most of them are still only in digital form. A recent fire in our home damaged our entire equipment including all my facilities for photo editing and made me feel, in my own mind, that until a photo is on a paper it is like there is no photo at all. Fortunately my pictures survived but it was a near miss and my entire work was gone.
This event activated me and I decided to create a photo book which is not just an ordinary photo book but some sort of a game and my legacy. There is going to be short poetic talk attached to every photo inside the book. I’m trying to express my artistic and spiritual intention using words and photos. It is a unique collection of photos and words which gives you a pleasure whenever you open it or just think of it.
Raising funds for publishing this exceptional photo book in the form of 250 copies. Raised money will help me to cover the costs of printing, graphic editing and partly help to acquire new equipment which was lost during the fire.
Simply you have this book always at hand, whenever you want to have a look at pictures which give you pleasure. You won’t have to sit at computer screen to see them but would be able to enjoy these moments whenever and wherever. There is going to be poetic narration with gentle spiritual subtext. My aim is for you to create a space for meditation and reflection through this photo book.
There is also going to be a short description attached to every photo stating where it was taken and also what this place can be used for. For example a tree which can be used to forgive yourself or someone else. You can then visit the tree in real or with a help of the photo in the book. There is going to be more interesting texts which can help on your Journey. Another purpose and possibility of how to use this book is use by an experienced therapist or counsellor in their practice. For this use I also created special series of cards which come from this book. All important messages for our personal development and spiritual growth is going to be stated on these cards. You can buy them as one of the gifts.
1 photo book with 4 ways of use
1. Photo book as photo book – a selection of the best photos on quality paper with poetic talk and spiritual theme.
2. Photo book as a travel guide – every photo includes a place where it was taken, you can visit the place by yourself.
3. Photo book as a tool leading you to self-knowledge – every photo is inter-connected with text which motivates, encourages and brings you a better mood.
4. Photo book as a game – there is a possibility to buy cards which came from the book, you can take them with you whenever.
The main goal is a creation of exceptional book in all aspects, visual, content and also in the way of quality. This is why it will be printed in co-operation with company SAAl-DIGITAL which is a top company in its field and this way guarantees the quality of the accomplished work. Just for your imagine the manufacturing of 1 piece in format A4 in width will cost around 37 Euros.
I want my photos to get a form because a photo becomes the photo once it is printed. In the same time I want to contribute with my work and serve other people and enrich you with something. I believe it can be achieved this way. Because of the motive it is unique combination which I hope is going to be a pleasure not only for your eyes but also for your heart and soul. By you participating in bringing forth this book you also partly support a purchase of new equipment which was lost during the fire.