Don't know what to watch anymore?
Every Friday we will recommend a film you shouldn't miss.
As film experts we will tailor the selection to your needs - and share with you recommendations on unknown jewels you probably have not seen yet!
Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end
EUR 3.99
(CZK 100)
sold 14
Toast to film + NaFilM badge
Every crown counts!
Come over to the the exhibition café on Narodni trida where we'll toast film together with sparkling wine, coffee or something stronger.
You'll also get a NaFilM badge!
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 5.99
(CZK 150)
sold 75
Two tickets for the exhibition
We couldn’t open the exhibition without you!
Come for a film in the museum with two free tickets! You can also give the tickets as a present for a fellow film lover!
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 9.98
(CZK 250)
remaining 13
from 20
See the exhibition taking shape
See the exhibition as we build it and come to the Chicago Palace before the exhibition is officially opened.
You will get a unique opportunity to see the installations being built and be the first to try the interactive exhibits.
Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end
EUR 9.98
(CZK 250)
remaining 16
from 50
NaFilM Canvas bag with unique print + a ticket for the exhibition
Let NafiM always be at hand!
Expand your collection of bags with an original piece that will come in handy while getting around the city.
You'll also get a ticket for the exhibition!
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 11.98
(CZK 300)
remaining 6
from 30
Homemade Christmas film gingerbread + Two tickets for the exhibition
Do you think that Christmas is still far away? We’re already dreaming of a White Christmas now!
Let us know in the comment when you want your gingerbread ready - and leave the rest to us!
You'll also get two tickets for the exhibition!
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 13.97
(CZK 350)
remaining 15
from 30
Film negatives jewelry + a ticket for the exhibition
Looking for an original gift for Christmas?
Let us make earrings from film negatives for you!
You'll also get a ticket for the exhibition!
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.97
(CZK 400)
remaining 15
from 35
Two for film: Two tickets for the exhibition + guided tour + coffee in the exhibition café
You are interested in the exhibition, but want to learn more about it?
Come to the Chicago Palace and we will personally show you the installations and let you in on some secret projects which did not fit in the exhibition.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 19.96
(CZK 500)
remaining 4
from 8
Plátěná taška “Prcat” + dvě vstupenky na výstavu
Mějte NaFilM stále po ruce!
Rozšiřte svoji sbírku tašek o originální kousek z naší limitované edice s motivem z filmu Pelíšky, díky kterému budete na vašich cestách městem k nepřehlédnutí.
K tašce přiložíme také dva lístky na výstavu.
Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end
EUR 23.95
(CZK 600)
remaining 7
from 8
Plátěná taška “Samotáři” + dvě vstupenky na výstavu
Mějte NaFilM stále po ruce!
Rozšiřte svoji sbírku tašek o originální kousek z naší limitované edice s motivem hymny z filmu Samotáři, díky kterému budete na vašich cestách městem k nepřehlédnutí.
K tašce přiložíme také dva lístky na výstavu.
Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end
EUR 23.95
(CZK 600)
remaining 1
from 1
Kniha OSUDOVÁ OSAMĚLOST. Obrysy filmové a literární tvorby Václava Kršky + dvě vstupenky na výstavu
Chcete se během čekání na naší výstavu dozvědět o filmu víc?
Sáhněte po knihách od nakladatelství Casablanca a začtěte se do monografie významného českého filmového a divadelního režiséra Václava Kršky.
Ke knížce přiložíme také dva lístky na výstavu.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 23.95
(CZK 600)
remaining 13
from 20
Film animation workshops for children as well as for adults + tickets for the exhibition
Visit the exhibition along with your children or friends! They can not only learn something new about film, but can also learn the basics of film animation and make their own film!
You can choose the theme of your workshop on our website - and invite up to 7 people!
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 47.90
(CZK 1,200)
remaining 6
from 10
Pytel dárků na Vánoce
Vánoce se blíží, udělejte radost pod stromečkem sobě i svým blízkým ve filmovém stylu.
Z pytle nadělíte: deskovou hru Český nebo Světový film, vánoční perníky filmových tvarů, originální šperk z filmového negativu, plátěnou tašku NaFilM a voucher se dvěma vstupenkami na výstavu Na film! v Paláci Chicago s komentovanou prohlídkou.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 59.88
(CZK 1,500)
remaining 13
from 15
Evening Film School + a ticket for the exhibition
Do you want to learn more about the film history? Do you dream of studying film?
We will offer a series of 10 film seminars with special guests led by film history experts that will teach you all the necessary knowledge and know-how.
Become a film historian the NaFilM way!
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 99.80
(CZK 2,500)
remaining 2
from 5
Partner of the Exhibition
Would you like to have your own museum, but you have no time for it? Become a partner of ours!
We will host you with great pleasure at the opening ceremony and you will get unlimited free access to the exhibition with guided tours for you, your guests and family.
In addition, we will mention your name (or name of your company) on our website and at the exhibition venue.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 399.20
(CZK 10,000)
remaining 4
from 5
Rent of the exhibition space in the Chicago Palace
We will close the exhibition space to the public for the whole day, leaving the space just for you.
The museum will be all yours - plan a christmas party or a teambuilding event in the museum, and we will provide a special guided tour for you and your guests as well as the accompanying film program of your choice.
Moreover we'll provide photographic services for the entire event!
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 598.80
(CZK 15,000)
remaining 1
from 3
Patron of the Exhibition
Take the NaFilM project under your wings and become a patron of the exhibition.
We will host you with great pleasure at the opening ceremony of the exhibition and you will get unlimited free access to the exhibition and guided tours for you, your guests and family. In addition you can attend any film workshop for free!
We will also provide the exhibition venue in the Chicago Palace for a private event of your choice, including photographic services for the entire event!
We will mention your name (or name of your company) on all promotional materials of the exhibition, on our website and at the exhibition venue.
We want your support to be recognisable, so we'll be happy to discuss other possibilities for promoting your contribution to the exhibition.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 1,197.60
(CZK 30,000)
Sold out!!
Czech or World Cinema board game + tickets for the exhibition
Let's play games, Sir! Get a small reward for big joy and explore the secrets of Czech or World cinema.
We will also include tickets for you and all your fellow players!
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 23.95
(CZK 600)
Sold out!!
Kniha KINEMATOGRAF! + dvě vstupenky na výstavu
Chcete se během čekání na naší výstavu dozvědět o filmu víc?
Sáhněte po knize Kinematograf! od nakladatelství Casablanca a zjistěte, kudy směřovaly první krůčky raného českého filmu.
Ke knížce přiložíme také dva lístky na výstavu.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 23.95
(CZK 600)
Sold out!!
Kniha MARKETA LAZAROVÁ + dvě vstupenky na výstavu
Chcete se během čekání na naší výstavu dozvědět o filmu víc?
Sáhněte po knihách od nakladatelství Casablanca a začtěte se do textů o legendárním snímku Františka Vláčila Marketa Lazarová.
Ke knížce přiložíme také dva lístky na výstavu.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 23.95
(CZK 600)
Sold out!!
The Opening ceremony of the exhibition for two people + original NaFilM exhibition poster + badges
Do you want to be among the first visitors?
We have two tickets for the opening party, where we can toast film together!
Moreover you’ll get an original exhibition poster and NaFilM badges
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end