Santiago Ferreira: "CARACOL" new album!

The time has come to complete 10 years in CZ & celebrate.That's why I decided to record a new authorial album inspired by my life in Europe & by my memories of Brazil. Preparations are already underway but to complete the album I'm gonna need your help!

Marcela Škodáčková

EUR 261
pledged of EUR 3,194


8% completed

10 contributors pledged


Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic

All or nothing. Project finished on Nov 15, 2015 at 08:33.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 0
    3x Mp3

    3 songs in electronic format (Mp3) before releasing the CD.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 5.99
    (CZK 150)
  • sold 0
    5x Mp3

    5 songs in electronic format (MP3) before releasing the CD.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 7.98
    (CZK 200)
  • sold 3
    Full album in Mp3

    Full album in electronic format (Mp3) before releasing the CD.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 9.98
    (CZK 250)
  • sold 3
    Signed album

    Signed album, delivered in the concert.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.98
    (CZK 300)
  • sold 0
    Signed Album Delivered

    Signed album, delivered at your home.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 15.97
    (CZK 400)
  • sold 2
    Signed album + ticket

    Signed album + ticket for the CD release concert 4.3.2016.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.95
    (CZK 600)
  • sold 1
    Lesson, Singing, guitar, piano...

    1,5 hour lesson: singing, guitar, cavaquinho, bass or piano in Prague.

    -singing, guitar, cavaquinho (Santiago Ferreira - out 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016),
    - bass (Andres Ibarburu)
    - piano (Tomas Jochmann)

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 27.94
    (CZK 700)
  • sold 0
    Podepsané album + 2 vstupenky

    Podepsané album + 2 vstupenky na křest alba dne 4.3.2016. 

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 31.94
    (CZK 800)
  • sold 0
    Package rewards

    Signed album + ticket for the CD release concert + making of video + Album Caracol Songbook.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.92
    (CZK 1,000)
  • sold 1
    Dinner with Santiago

    Do you want to meet the albums author and know about his culture, music?

    * Brazilian restaurant in Prague
    * Date TBC (OUT 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)
    * Santiago speaks: Czech, English, Spanish, Portuguese

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.76
    (CZK 3,000)
  • sold 0
    Santiago Ferreira Solo

    Santiago Ferreira solo (45 min)*
    - not for commercial purposes
    - for max 50 people

    * sound system and expenses with transportation covered by the backer 
    * date TBC (out of 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 239.52
    (CZK 6,000)
  • sold 0
    Santiago Ferreira Solo Plus

    Santiago Ferreira solo (90 min)*
    - not for commercial purposes
    - for max 150 people

    * sound system and expenses with transportation covered by the backer 
    * date TBC (out of 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 399.20
    (CZK 10,000)
  • sold 0
    Santiago Ferreira Band

    Santiago Ferreira with band (45 min)* 
    - not for commercial purposes 
    - for max 250 people 

    * sound system and expenses with transportation covered by the backer  
    * date TBC (out of 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 998.00
    (CZK 25,000)
  • sold 0
    Santiago Ferreira Band Plus

    Santiago Ferreira with band (90 min)*
    - not for commercial purposes
    - for max 350 people

    * sound system and expenses with transportation covered by the backer 
    * date TBC (out of 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,397.21
    (CZK 35,000)
  • sold 0

    Official partner
    - logo on CD
    - special thanks 
    - advertising and logo in the CD release concert
    - 50 CDs
    - concert of Santiago Ferreira Band

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 2,395.21
    (CZK 60,000)