Resurrect the Egyptian Book of the Dead - Art Music Film

The music group NEMUER, in collaboration with Egyptologists and artist Klara Sedlo, is working on an Ancient Egyptian album and film. Become a part of this unique project and help us bring the Book of the Dead back to life!

Sun God Ra's Solar Barque - druhá část filmu venku!

Oct 6, 2024

Právě jsme vydali nový animovaný videoklip k písni Sun God Ra's Solar Barque z našeho staroegyptského alba Going Forth by Day jako ochutnávku připravovaného filmu.

Rozanimované obrazy Kláry a podmanivé melodie staroegyptské harfy vás tentokrát vtáhnou do atmosféry cesty slunečního boha Ra podsvětím.

Stejně jako zbytek alba jsou texty v staroegyptštině se zrekonstruovanou výslovností, díky spolupráci s egyptologem Dr. de Vartavanem. Videoklip na Youtube obsahuje také české titulky, které vám umožní lépe porozumět zaklínadlům z Knihy mrtvých.

Tento klip je pokračováním, Gates of Duat, první části filmu.

Užijte si ho a dejte nám v komentářích vědět, jak se vám líbí!

A pokud jste zvědaví, jak naše staroegyptská hudba a rituály zní naživo, můžete se 13. prosince přijít podívat na náš koncert v Praze:

-NEMUER & Klára Sedlo

EUR 12,426
pledged of EUR 11,881


104% completed

221 contributors pledged

Music, Film

All or nothing. Project finished on Nov 1, 2023 at 15:00.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 13
    𓎤 NEMUER Tote Bag

    Black cotton  tote bag with NEMUER logo.

    Shipping included!

    Delivery by mail, in person at the concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.29
    (CZK 285)
  • sold 34
    𓏢 Digital Album

    Digital version of NEMUER's album 'Going Forth by Day.'

    You'll receive the reward via email with a BandCamp download link.

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.88
    (CZK 300)
  • sold 14
    𓍋 Signed Poster - Klára Sedlo's Artwork + Digital Album

    A4 Poster featuring beautiful artwork for the album by Klára Sedlo, signed by the creators. Created from a photograph of an oil painting of the Ancient Egyptian underworld (see main text).

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • shipping via regular mail

    Delivery by mail, in person at the concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 15.84
    (CZK 400)
  • sold 17
    𓏜 Bookmark Made from Papyrus + Digital Album

    Handcrafted Papyrus Bookmark featuring themes from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Two themes available (see main text). Please specify your choice in the notes (snake or crocodile).

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • shipping via regular mail

    Delivery by mail, in person at the concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.80
    (CZK 500)
  • sold 30
    𓇳 Physical CD + Digital Album

    Physical album for art collectors. Artwork created from the talented Klara Sedlo's oil painting. It also includes a booklet with song lyrics, original hieroglyphic texts, and photos.

    Also includes:
    • digital album

    Delivery by mail, in person at the concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping outside Czechia  NOT included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.76
    (CZK 600)
  • sold 20
    𓁢 Anubis T-shirt + Digital Album

    T-shirt featuring the iconic 'Weighing of the Heart' scene with the god Anubis from the Book of the Dead. Specify the size (S-XL) and version (men's or women's) in the notes.

    Also includes:
    • digital album

    Delivery by mail, in person at the concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping outside Czechia  NOT included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 29.70
    (CZK 750)
  • remaining 295 from 300
    𓏣 Concert + CD + Digital Album

    Concert Ticket (Release Party in Prague) and Physical CD.

    The release party will take place on November 4th. You will have to provide your own travel and accommodation in Prague.

    Also includes:
    • digital album

    Delivery in person at the concert.

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 31.68
    (CZK 800)
  • remaining 2 from 7
    𓃈 Drawings by Klara Sedlo

    Drawings by Klara Sedlo, created during sketching for the movie and album cover. Only 7 pieces available!

    First come, first served. Please let us know in the notes which drawing you would like to own. All drawings will be delivered signed by the author.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • shipping via regular mail
    Delivery by mail, in person at the concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 33.66
    (CZK 850)
  • sold 8
    𓆙 Sacrificial Pot to Repell the Serpent Apophis

    Fight the darkness! Handcrafted and painted sacrificial pot, identical to the one used in the film and during concerts for the reconstruction of the ancient ritual to ward off darkness and chaos represented by the serpent Apophis.

    Please note, the pot is not for drinking, only for destruction.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download

    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping outside Czechia  NOT included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.60
    (CZK 1,000)
  • remaining 99 from 100
    𓇇 Limited Edition Art Print of the Artwork + Q & A Streaming with the Creators

    Collectible print - album cover artwork, only 100 copies, numbered, and signed by the creators.

    Join a streamed call with the creators and feel free to ask various questions.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download

    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping outside Czechia  NOT included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 43.56
    (CZK 1,100)
  • remaining 91 from 100
    𓏋 Film Screening and Party with the Creators

    Access to the private premiere screening of the film and party with the creators in Prague. You will have to provide your own travel and accommodation in Prague.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 47.52
    (CZK 1,200)
  • sold 9
    𓂀 Replica of the Book of the Dead Papyrus

    Handcrafted Replica of the Book of the Dead Papyrus containing a chapter (spell) from the Book of the Dead that was used in the album.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download

    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping outside Czechia  NOT included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 51.49
    (CZK 1,300)
  • remaining 22 from 30
    𓏌 Rare: Lucky Shard (prop) + Behind-the-Scenes Footage

    Shard from a ritually broken sacrificial pot used in the recording of the track 'Repelling Apophis' for collectors.

    Access to behind-the-scenes footage and early access to the film, the opportunity to see how the film is being created.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download
    • shipping via regular mail
    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.41
    (CZK 1,500)
  • remaining 4 from 9
    𓀳 Rare: Klara Sedlo's Sketches

    Unique sketches created during the making of the film and album cover. Only 9 pieces available!

    Priority in selection goes to early backers. Please don't forget to specify your preference in the notes (see main text for options).

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download

    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping outside Czechia  NOT included.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 79.21
    (CZK 2,000)
  • sold 12
    𓃷 Sun God Ra Hoodie + Your Name in the Film's Closing Credits

    Zipper hoodie with the theme from the Book of the Dead and hieroglyphics, celebrating the god Ra. See main text for the image.

    Unisex zipper. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL (Gildan).

    Your name will appear in the film's closing credits!

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download

    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping outside Czechia  NOT included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 99.01
    (CZK 2,500)
  • remaining 2 from 5
    𓉴 Teddy Bear by the Pyramid - Original Litho Print by Klara Sedlo

    Original litho print by Klara Sedlo - Teddy bear by the pyramid. Limited edition of hand-printed graphics, numbered, and signed.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • shipping via regular mail
    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 99.01
    (CZK 2,500)
  • sold 8
    𓋖 Pharaoh's Treasure

    Can't decide from so many tempting rewards? Treat yourself to Pharaoh's Treasure and get:
    • signed poster
    • signed physical album + digital album
    • Anubis t-shirt
    • sacrificial pot
    • papyrus bookmark
    • Q&A access
    • full-resolution film download
    • your name in the film's closing credits
    Please include a note specifying the size (S-XL) and version (men's or women's) of the T-shirt

    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping outside Czechia  NOT included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 158.42
    (CZK 4,000)
  • remaining 1 from 3
    𓀁 Throat Singing and Overtones Lesson

    Private throat singing and overtone singing lesson with the project's main creator and founder of the music group Nemuer, Michael Zann.

    1 hour, done online, with the option to arrange lessons on other instruments or music industry consulting.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download
    • your name in the film's closing credits

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 237.62
    (CZK 6,000)
  • sold 3
    𓃣 God Anubis' Treasure

    Not satisfied with Pharaoh's Treasure? Anubis' Treasure includes:
    • replica of the Book of the Dead papyrus
    • Nemuer amulet
    • behind-the-scenes footage + early film access
    • signed poster
    • signed physical album + digital album
    • Anubis T-shirt
    • sacrificial pot
    • papyrus bookmark
    • Q&A access
    • full-resolution film download
    • your name in the film's closing credits
    Please include a note specifying the size (S-XL) and version (men's or women's) of the T-shirt

    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping outside Czechia NOT included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 297.03
    (CZK 7,500)
  • sold 2
    𓁛 Sun God Ra's Treasure

    Not fully satisfied with Anubis' treasure? Ra's treasure includes:
    • Sun God Ra Zipper Hoodie
    • ticket to the concert in Prague
    • ticket to the private film premiere and party with the creators in Prague
    • replica of the Book of the Dead papyrus
    • Nemuer amulet
    • behind-the-scenes footage + early film access
    • signed poster
    • signed physical album + digital album
    • Anubis T-shirt
    • sacrificial pot
    • papyrus bookmark
    • Q&A access
    • full-resolution film download
    • your name in the film's closing credits

    Please include a note specifying the size (S-XL) and version (men's or women's) of the T-shirt and hoodie.

    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note. Shipping  outside Czechia NOT included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 396.04
    (CZK 10,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    𓁟 Papyrus Used in the Film (Prop)

    Ultra-rare reward for true collectors. Only one piece available. Hand-painted papyrus, a reproduction from the Book of the Dead used in the film for the song Gates of Duat.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download
    • your name in the film's closing credits
    • ticket to the private film premiere and party with the creators in Prague
    • behind-the-scenes footage + early film access
    • Q&A access
    • shipping via regular mail
    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 594.06
    (CZK 15,000)
  • remaining 20 from 21
    𓆣 Immortality - Your Character in the Film

    Do you want to attain immortality, just as the ancient Egyptians sought?

    Let Klara Sedlo portray you as an animated character in the film and join the nocturnal journey of the sun god Ra through the underworld as part of his entourage.

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download
    • your name in the film's closing credits
    • ticket to the private film premiere and party with the creators in Prague
    • behind-the-scenes footage + early film access
    • Q&A access

    We will contact you via email for details.

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 792.08
    (CZK 20,000)
  • Sold out!!
    𓄿 Concert + Digital Album (early bird)

    Concert Ticket (Release Party in Prague). Only 30 tickets available!

    The release party will take place on November 4th as part of Pagan Nights 2. You will have to provide your own travel and accommodation in Prague.

    Also includes:
    • digital album

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 15.25
    (CZK 385)
  • Sold out!!
    𓋹 Original Artwork - Oil Painting

    Ultra-rare reward for true collectors. Only one piece. Original artwork for the album - oil painting by Klára Sedlo

    Also includes:
    • digital album
    • full-resolution film download
    • your name in the film's closing credits
    • ticket to the private film premiere and party with the creators in Prague
    • behind-the-scenes footage + early film access
    • Q&A access
    • shipping via regular mail

    Delivery by mail, in person at a concert, or through other arrangements. Please specify your preference in a note.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,188.12
    (CZK 30,000)