WEARME FASHION - Popular Entertainment, Fashion & Lifestyle online magazine. We envision a printed version of the magazine that will be made in the Czech Republic but will inspire a global readership. We Need You!
All or nothing. Project finished on Apr 29, 2017 at 12:51.
We need your support for production and distribution costs to realize the WEAR ME FASHION magazine in a printed version. We are looking to collect the amount of 216 216, - CZK for expenses related to its production including but not limited to photography, graphic design, journalism, printing, and distribution.
Our vision is a magazine you always want to read the next edition of, because it will be full of exciting and high quality articles, great ideas and stunning visuals, despite being a free title.
"We want to create a magazine to which you always want to return, to discover what will be in the next issue, and even you might save it in your personal archive, unlike other free media, that often throw them away after reading. The information in today's world must be free " (sic) - Vera Artemyeva
Issues following the premiere will be financed through advertisements and distributed in the Czech Republic for free at selected distribution points. You too can become a regular reader of WEARME FASHION magazine and receive the next printed magazine issue directly to your mailing address - in this case, you would need to fill out required details, and pay the delivery.
The first step on HITHIT is very important for the success of the magazine and we need communicate this result to companies that have already expressed an interest in cooperation in the following issues.
In 2017, we are planning to publish the magazine every six months in the English language as both a printed and a digital version.
In the first issue, we are planning:
- Travel in the Czech Republic, cultural heritage & fashion;
- Travel abroad, the story of the Czech who conquered the wild island;
- Entertainment, movies;
- Style/History - The Belle Époque era;
- Fashion, Beauty, Food;
- Interviews;
- A myriad of other thought provoking topics.
Format: 280 x 206 mm
Papír: recyklovatelný
Datum vydání: 30. 8. 2017
Since launching the WEARME FASHION online Magazine in December 2015, we have successfully defined the concept for a printed version of the magazine for those that are curious in nature, and insightful in its articles, and that mission will be a large part of a strategy that we are going to use for our printed version.
Our magazine differs from our competitors because we take a more intelligent and creative approach, including highlighting the career and modern oriented lifestyle that our readers desire to read about.
High-quality content created by our editor in collaboration with local and international contributors.
We inspire international cultural lifestyle in the Czech Republic. We are a Czech company with an international spirit, and backgrounds who share our enthusiasm with their readers.
We envision a printed version of the magazine that will be made in the Czech Republic but will inspire a global readership.
Czech Republic
Vera Artemyeva
She worked in the fashion industry in Milan and Prague. Including the start-up phase of several fashion brands, Stuart Weitzman, Castanier, and Walter Steiger, in addition to developing their business within CIS territory.
Ciro Cennamo
His past work experience in the field of finance made him the perfect man to play the key role as strategist for the project. Vera and Ciro worked together in the past on the project dedicated to introduce and launch the Stuart Weitzman brand on the Czech market, and for the customers of Momentface s.r.o. they have successfully realized and opened the first mono brand boutique under the Stuart Weitzman name in the Municipal House in Prague.
Shelleah Pedersen
She studied journalism and communication, has a bachelor's degree. She works as an editor and author at Blue Sky Media in Prague.
Chris Allbritton
Luca Rovinalti
Journalist at Mediaset
Sara Volpi
She has a master's degree in Fashion, editing and communication. She worked in the Italian magazine L'Uomo Vogue.
Journalist at the Centre for Visual Arts at the University of Bergamo, Italy Link
Gabriella Calcagno
She has a master's degree in Art History. Bachelor's Degree in Arts, Music, Performing Arts and Fashion. She worked as a communications manager in the main gallery of Palermo (FPAC di Palermo) and at the Museum of Modern Art in Palazzo Riso. Actively participate in literary and philosophical context, as evidenced by its contribution to the collection Exploit, under the editorial guidance of Giorgio de Finis, Fabio and Andrea Benincasa Facchi. Link
Manfred Tean
Fashion Styling, Istituto Marangoni, Italy.