Black Mirror (PC Game 2003) - music remaster

21. the anniversary of the release of Black Mirror is an opportunity to offer fans of Black Mirror, Nibiru, Messenger of Gods, Alter Ego and Reprobates the complete music of these games. And it comes in a nice 2 hour package with new remastered sound! 📀

Author: Zdeněk Houb

Zdržení v odeslání odměn

Oct 1, 2024

Zdravím! I když je půl roku dlouhá doba, nebyl jsem pořád stoprocentně spokojený s tím, jak zvukový remaster zní. Dát kvalitní zvuk 160 skladbám starým i přes 25 let byl celkem oříšek. Věnoval jsem tedy remasteringu ještě hodně času navíc, aby zněl co nejlépe a byli jste spokojeni s jeho kvalitou.

Současně s pracemi na remasteru probíhají také práce na novém Poslu smrti: Poutu krve a na přípravě jeho kampaně, která bude spuštěna na konci října.

Z těchto dvou důvodů se bohužel oddálí termín odeslání odměn asi o čtyři týdny, v závislosti na rychlosti výroby CD a MC externí firmou. Ostatní odměny, které vidíte na fotce, jsou již vyrobené a opravdu se moc povedly! Digitální odměny budou odeslány zhruba za týden.

Jako poděkování za vaši trpělivost dostane každý přispěvatel fyzických odměn dva vytištěné dárky. Jeden ve formátu A3 a druhý ve formátu A5. Oba s motivy z našich her.

Omlouvám se za zdržení a děkuji všem za trpělivost!

EUR 12,259
pledged of EUR 2,770


442% completed

308 contributors pledged

Music, Games

All or nothing. Project finished on Apr 4, 2024 at 09:59.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 9
    10 remastered tracks 🎹

    Support the release of the remastered music of the Czech legendary game Posel smrti (a.k.a The Black Mirror).

    In return, I'll be happy to send you some digital rewards.

    · 10 tracks from the remaster

    · digital poster of the Black Mirror (1×)
    · wallpaper set (6×)
    · ringtones from the themes of all five adventure games (10×)

    Thank you all!

    - delivery by download link to e-mail

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3.92
    (CZK 99)
  • sold 56
    Digital remaster 💻

    A lot of music for not a lot of money.
    You will get complete music from all five adventure games by Future Games. Professionally remastered to quality sound and several digital rewards.

    · 2 hours of game music in WAV and MP3 versions from Black Mirror, Nibiru, Messenger of the Gods, Alter Ego and Reprobates

    · digital poster from each game (5×)
    · wallpaper set (6×)
    · ringtones from the themes of all five adventure games (10×)

    - delivery by download link to e-mail

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.83
    (CZK 299)
  • sold 18
    Remaster on 2 CD's 💿

    Do you want the remaster and the box on the shelf? You will receive two audio CDs in a box with cover, booklet and complete remastered music from all five adventure games from Future Games.

    · 2× audio CD's of game music from Black Mirror, Nibiru, Messenger of the Gods, Alter Ego and Reprobates
    · 2 hours of game music in WAV and MP3 versions from the digital remaster
    · 1× printed A3 Black Mirror poster
    · digital poster from each game (5×)
    · wallpaper set (6×)
    · ringtones from the themes of all five adventure games (10×)

    In the next step of payment for the reward, please add 15 euros to the total price of the reward for shipping abroad.

    - delivery via Packeta (not included in the price)
    - digital rewards by e-mail

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.70
    (CZK 599)
  • remaining 8 from 50
    MC limited edition 📻

    Cassette for collectors with a booklet, a printed mini-map of Black Mirror Manor and a hand-signed certificate.

    · A 90-minute cassette with a remaster of Black Mirror and a mix of the best of Nibiru, Messenger of the Gods, Alter Ego and Reprobates
    · 2 hours of game music in WAV and MP3 versions from the digital remaster
    · 1× printed A3 Black Mirror poster
    · printed mini-map of Black Mirror Manor
    ·  a signed certificate thanking you for your participation in the remaster

    · a digital poster of each game (5×)
    · set of wallpapers (6×)
    · ringtones from all five adventure games (10×)

    In the next step of payment for the reward, please add 15 euros to the total price of the reward for shipping abroad.

    - delivery via Packeta (not included in the price)
    - digital rewards by email

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.70
    (CZK 599)
  • remaining 17 from 200
    2 CD's limited edition 📀

    The limited edition includes all previous rewards and a whole load of digital bonuses! 😲

    You can't buy a limited edition anywhere else and never anywhere else but here on Hithit.

    · 2× signed audio CD's of game music from Black Mirror, Nibiru, Messenger of the Gods, Alter Ego and Reprobates
    · never released music and many of files of internal materials from the development of Czech adventure games

    Sketches, storyboards, previews of how the graphics were created, NPC character artwork and many other bits and pieces from 14 years of development that never saw the light of day 💣

    · 4× printed A3 poster from Black Mirror, Nibiru, Messenger of the Gods and Reprobates
    · a signed certificate thanking you for your participation in the remaster

    In the next step of payment for the reward, please add 15 euros to the total price of the reward for shipping abroad.

    - delivery via Packeta (not included in the price)
    - digital rewards by e-mail

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 47.45
    (CZK 1,199)
  • Sold out!!
    Remaster vinyl no. 2-5 💎

    Vinyl for collectors. Remaster of music from The Black Mirror on vinyl, in a gatefold cover with serial number 2-5.

    • signed vinyl number 2-5 of The Black Mirror remaster
    • gatefold cover, dark red-red-black, with motifs of The Black Mirror, machine numbering
    • A3 poster with the motifs of The Black Mirror, folded in a gatefold
    • vinyl color transparent red, with black "splatter" effect
    • the inner cover of the vinyl is black, without printing
    • printed memorative card with signature and personal dedication in your name

    The author of the graphics and drawings is Jakub Špiřík.

    In the next step of payment for the reward, please add 15 euros to the total price of the reward for shipping abroad.

    - delivery via Packeta (not included in the price)

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 118.68
    (CZK 2,999)
  • Sold out!!
    Remaster vinyl no. 6-10💎

    Vinyl for collectors. Remaster of music from The Black Mirror on vinyl, in a gatefold cover with serial number 6-10.
    • signed vinyl number 6-10 of The Black Mirror remaster
    • gatefold cover, dark red-red-black, with motifs of The Black Mirror, machine numbering
    • A3 poster with the motifs of The Black Mirror, folded in a gatefold
    • vinyl color transparent red, with black "splatter" effect
    • the inner cover of the vinyl is black, without printing
    • printed memorative card with signature and personal dedication in your name

    The author of the graphics and drawings is Jakub Špiřík.

    In the next step of payment for the reward, please add 15 euros to the total price of the reward for shipping abroad.

    - delivery via Packeta (not included in the price)

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 118.68
    (CZK 2,999)
  • Sold out!!
    Remaster vinyl no. 1 💎

    Vinyl for collectors. Remaster of music from The Black Mirror on vinyl, in a gatefold cover with serial number 1!

    • signed vinyl number 1 of The Black Mirror remaster
    • gatefold cover, dark red-red-black, with motifs of The Black Mirror, machine numbering
    • A3 poster with the motifs of The Black Mirror, folded in a gatefold
    • vinyl color transparent red, with black "splatter" effect
    • the inner cover of the vinyl is black, without printing
    • printed memorative card with signature and personal dedication in your name

    The author of the graphics and drawings is Jakub Špiřík.

    In the next step of payment for the reward, please add 15 euros to the total price of the reward for shipping abroad.

    - delivery via Packeta (not included in the price)

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 237.40
    (CZK 5,999)