Představujeme speciálně vycvičenou psí fenku Camu, která se svou cvičitelkou Hankou Böhme odjíždí do centra černého obchodu se slonovinou - afrického Brazzaville. Cílem akce je vybrat finanční prostředky na přepravu psa do Republiky Kongo.
Autor: CCBC
I am a Vietnamese guy living in Prague, the Czech Republic and studying sinology. There is term "Banana kids", which perfectly describes people like me. "Yellow" on the outside and "white" on the inside. My parents are Vietnamese and I myself am of course a Vietnamese too, but I grew up mostly in the Czech Republic, so I am also a bearer of the Czech culture. There is a mixture of the two cultures inside me, which lead me to the one of my biggest hobbies - getting to know new cultures and learn their good aspects. Hobbies: reading, learning languages, teaching languages, martial arts, memrise, watching movies.
Brazzaville, Kongo
Všechno, nebo nic. Projekt skončil 2.4.2015 v 10:46.