Our project is coming to the final phase, so we decided to release it to the world. For the last important step we need your support. That's why we are here and you can make the difference between our succes or failure!
Náš náramek bez hranic je tak super, že ho nebudete chtít nikdy sundat. A časem můžete mít na ruce celou Evropu, ba i svět. Pojďte s námi do toho a všichni turisté, cestovatelé a poutníci vám budou vděčni.
Autor: Tomáš Šapovalov
Our project is coming to the final phase, so we decided to release it to the world. For the last important step we need your support. That's why we are here and you can make the difference between our succes or failure!
Všechno, nebo nic. Projekt skončil 9.9.2016 v 12:21.